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Lincoln, Abraham
See All 13 Resources
Funeral Dignitaries in front of Lincoln's Home, May 1865. (Courtesy Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library)

Lincoln Home National Historic Site: A Place of Growth and Memory recounts the life of our 16th president. See photos of the house in Springfield...

Map of the Underground Railroad, showing routes from Southern states to the North.

The Time of the Lincolns a companion website to the film Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided, examines the...

'Nicolay Draft' of the Gettysburg Address, Holograph.

The Gettysburg Address contains images and transcriptions of the various drafts of the famous document as well...

Charles Wellington Reed's pencil sketch of Abraham Lincoln at City Point, Virginia, 1865.

The Presidency features 40 documents from 23 Presidents -- Washington's first inaugural address, Adams'...

National Park Service 

Endowment for Humanities 

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 
  See All 13 Lincoln, Abraham Resources  
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