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Image Gallery

Gallery of Recovered World Trade Center Steel at NIST | Computer Simulations of World Trade Center | Metallurgy of World Trade Center Steel | Microanalysis of Recovered World Trade Center Steel | WTC Fire Experiment Images

Gallery of Recovered World Trade Center Steel at NIST

researchers with steel from World Trade Center NIST research staff inventory steel recovered from the collapsed World Trade Center buildings. For information on the progress report on the NIST WTC investigation, read more.
Recovered WTC Steel showing impact Recovered WTC Steel showing impact Recovered WTC Steel showing impact

Column recovered from site of plane impact on World Trade Center North Tower (WTC 1). Click on images for higher-resolution versions.

graphic of impact site

Map of north face of WTC north tower (WTC 1) showing location (boxed area) of column at site of plane impact (click on image for higher resolution version).

pieces of metal connectors Recovered WTC Steel pieces of recovered metal trusses

Connections (click on image for higher-resolution version)

Other columns from a World Trade Center tower (exact location undetermined). Click on image for higher-resolution version. Truss that held flooring together in a World Trade Center tower (exact location undetermined). Click on image for higher-resolution version.

Computer Simulations of World Trade Center
(click on images for higher-resolution versions)

WTC building graphic showing fireball
graphic of 2 WTC towers with combined smoke
graphic of WTC towers with smoke from north tower

A computer simulation of the WTC South Tower (2 WTC) fireball seconds after impact of the plane.

A computer simulation showing the combining of the smoke plumes generated from the fires in the upper stories of WTC North and South Towers (1 WTC and 2 WTC). A computer simulation showing the smoke plume generated by the fire in the WTC North Tower (1 WTC).

Metallurgy of World Trade Center Steel
(click on images for higher-resolution versions)
researcher in lab with Kolsky Bar Tester.
researcher aligning sensor on Kolsky bar apparatus
researcher checking calibration of equipment used to assess steel used in WTC.
researcher looking in optical microsope
researcher adjusting gauge on creep tester.

Researcher Mike Kennedy fires the air gun on NIST's Kolsky Bar Tester. This device measures the mechanical behavior of steel from the World Trade Center under stresses similar to those that resulted from the aircraft impact with the buildings.

NIST researcher Mike Kennedy aligns a high-speed temperature sensor on a Kolsky bar apparatus used to measure the mechanical behavior of steel. The test sample from recovered World Trade Center steel is just visible between the two bars in the center of the picture. At high rates of deformation, heat is generated. About every millionth of a second, this instrument measures changes in the average temperature across an entire sample. NIST researcher Bill Luecke checks the calibration of a contact extensometer used in the high-temperature mechanical testing system pictured here to assess (at temperatures from room temperature to well over 1,000 degrees Celsius) the strength and ductility of the steel used to build the World Trade Center. NIST researcher Steve Banovic uses an optical microscope to examine the microstructure of steel from the World Trade Center. This information will help identify the type and quality of steel used. Pieces from actual WTC beams are visible on the right. NIST researcher Richard Fields adjusts a dial gauge on one of several creep testers that will be used to evaluate the high-temperature, time-dependent mechanical behavior of the steel used to construct the World Trade Center.


Microanalysis of Recovered World Trade Center Steel
enlarged view of steel at 300 degrees C enlarged view of steel at 800 degrees C

Extreme heat and subsequent cooling can affect the microstructure of steel as seen in these two photographs (at left, steel heated to 300 degrees Celsius and at right, steel heated to 800 degrees Celsius). NIST researchers will analyze the microstructure of recovered World Trade Center steel to determine the impact of the fire in various locations. The photographs above are not of World Trade Center steel.


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Last updated: 12/13/2002