Seattle Chefs Collaborative Presents
The Fourth Annual Farmer Chef Connection
February 9, 2009

Download a copy of the flyer for the
2009 Farmer-Chef Connection
The Fourth Annual conference that creates networks and direct marketing opportuniites for farmers, chefs, and producers in Washington state.

Check out what's fresh at the farmers markets!

Click here for more information and to find out about Quillisascut Farm

2009 Farmer Chef Connection

Join us Farmers and Chefs!

Seattle�s 4th Annual
Monday, February 9th, 2009
at Sodo Park by Herban Feast (South Seattle)

All-day conference, bringing together regional food producers and buyers for business-to-business networking, presentations & workshops.

Featuring: Chef & Restaurateur, Tom Douglas Culinary Consultant & Chef Instructor, Greg Atkinson

Morning & Afternoon Networking Breakout Sessions Fabulous Local Lunch & Afternoon Tasting To receive an invitation please send us an email at: For more information visit:

Hosted by Seattle Chefs Collaborative. Sponsored by WSDA, King County Agriculture Program & Herban Feast Catering and Events.

Our Mission

Seattle Chefs Collaborative embraces the mission and principles of the National organization and seeks to put these ideals into practice, reflecting the culture and issues relevant to our local community.

Chefs Collaborative works with chefs and the greater food community to celebrate local foods and foster a more sustainable food supply. The Collaborative inspires action by translating information about our food into tools for making knowledgeable purchasing decisions. Through these actions, our members embrace seasonality, preserve diversity and traditional practices, and support local economies.

Statement of Principles

Food is fundamental to life, nourishing us in body and soul. The preparation of food strengthens our connection to nature. And the sharing of food immeasurably enriches our sense of community. 

Good food begins with unpolluted air, land, and water, environmentally sustainable farming and fishing, and humane animal husbandry. 

Food choices that emphasize delicious, locally grown, seasonally fresh, and whole or minimally processed ingredients are good for us, for local farming communities, and for the planet.

Cultural and biological diversity are essential for the health of the earth and its inhabitants. Preserving and revitalizing sustainable food, fishing and agricultural traditions strengthen that diversity.

By continually educating themselves about sustainable choices, chefs can serve as models to the culinary community and the general public through their purchases of seasonal, sustainable ingredients and their transformation of these ingredients into delicious food.

The greater culinary community can be a catalyst for positive change by creating a market for good food and helping preserve local farming and fishing communities.

Chefs Collaborative National Organization Site

Contact us at seattle @
3629 Bagley Ave. N., Seattle, WA, 98103