Just Foods Program

RAFI >> Just Foods Program

About Us:

The Just Foods program promotes a systems-based approach to a more sustainable food and fiber system.  We work nationally and internationally.

We promote:

  • meaningful standards for organic agriculture,
  • comprehensive labels for products grown in environmentally sound and socially just ways, and
  • improved certification programs. 


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Through research, analysis, education, advocacy and coalition-building, we:

  • educate farmers and consumers about diversity’s importance in agriculture,
  • emphasize how GE foods could jeopardize long-term food security and farmers’ livelihoods,
  • evaluate new technology based on economic viability, environmental soundness, and social justice
  • create new and expanded production, marketing and research opportunities for sustainable and organic farmers.

Our Issues:

Organic Integrity

Organic agriculture is now a billion-dollar industry. RAFI has been at the forefront of the organic movement for decades. We now develop practical strategies to promote and preserve organic integrity.

National Organic Coalition
National Organic Action Plan
Organic Advocacy and Promotion


National Organic Coalition Farm Bill Analysis (2008)
Organic Agriculture and Access to Food (2007)
Who Owns Organic?  The Global Status, Prospects, and Challenges of a Changing Organic Market (2003)


Agricultural Biodiversity

Publicly-held plant varieties and animal breeds help meet increasing environmental challenges and changing consumer demands. We lead efforts to reinvigorate publicly-held seeds and breeds.

Seeds and Breeds for the 21st Century Coalition

Conventional/Classical Plant and Animal Breeding Provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill (2008)
Summit Proceedings: Summit on Seeds & Breeds for 21st Century Agriculture (2003)


Social Justice

RAFI is at the forefront of several national initiatives to create, support, and promote model fair food systems. We work for social justice along the entire production and marketing chain, from farmworkers to consumers.

Agricultural Justice Project
Domestic Fair Trade Association

 Agricultural Justice Project: Social Stewardship Standards in Organic and Sustainable Agriculture (2003-2008)
Proceedings: Social Justice Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, Nov 2003



We ask who benefits, who loses and who pays with the introduction of novel technologies in agriculture.

Economic Implications of Plant-Made Pharmaceutical Production in North Carolina (2008)
Farmers’ Guide to GM Contracts Brochure (2007)
Farmers’ Guide to GMOs (2004)

Contact Us:

Michael Sligh, Just Foods Program Director, msligh@rafiusa.org

Sally Lee, Just foods Program Associate, sally@rafiusa.org, (919) 542-1396 x211