electronic publications

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Electronic Publications

To reduce file sizes, many electronic publications require Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later versions. Download the most recent Acrobat Reader here. Farmers’ Guide to GM Contracts.  A pocket-sized version of the Farmers’ Guide to GMOs, a joint publication of RAFI and the Farmers Legal Action Group.

E-Bulletins - monthly email bulletins available on our website or by subscription. To subscribe to the bulletin, send an email to communicator@rafiusa.org with SUBSCRIBE in the Subject line.

Farmers’ Guide to GM Contracts - A pocket-sized version of the Farmers’ Guide to GMOs, a joint publication of RAFI and the Farmers Legal Action Group.

Economic Implications of Plant-Made Pharmaceutical Production in North Carolina (PDF). 2008. This research in this major analysis demonstarates that the claimed benefits of genetically modified pharmaceuticals are speculative at best, and the risks and potential costs of contamination are too high.

Disaster Programs and the Changing Face of Agriculture in North Carolina explores the growing gap between the needs of North Carolina farmers and the protection provided by federal disaster programs. Read the executive summary or the full report online.

Organic Agriculture and Access to Food (PDF). May 2007. This paper was presented by RAFI staff at the May 2007 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security.

The Farm Bill Tree: Understanding the Logic of the Farm Bill (PDF) - What 's included in the farm bill? Why? Where do commodity payments fit in? The answers are here, in Scott Marlow's article.

Disaster Programs Discourage Organic and Natural Food Production (PDF) - Current disaster relief and crop insurance programs put organic and natural farmers at a serious diadvantage. Learn why, and what can be changed.

Kay Doby's Testimony Before the House Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry (PDF) - Doby, a farmer and president of the N.C. Poultry Grower's Association, shares her experiences as a contract farmer.

Scott Marlow's Testimony Before the House Subcommittee on Commodities and Risk Mamagement (PDF) - Marlow offers analysis of and recommendations for crop insurance programs and the ways they serve organic, contract and value-added agricultural enterprises.

Scott Hamilton's Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry (PDF) - Hamilton, a farmer from Alabama, shares his insights in to the contract system.

The Farmers Guide to Peanut Contracts (PDF, 1.8M). January 2007. This guide is intended for farmers who are considering growing peanuts for the first time and for those who are deciding whether to expand their operations and investment in equipment based on contracts in the United States.

Binding Mandatory Arbitration Fact Sheet (PDF) - Find out how binding mandatory arbitration affects contract farmers.

Farmer and Lender Project: Strategies to Sustain Agriculture and Enhance Rural Development in North Carolina (PDF, 2.6M). December 2006. The Farmer and Lender Project report examines the barriers to agricultural finance in North Carolina, and looks toward a system of debt finance that allows lenders to work with innovative farmers. The challenges in the current system are discussed, barriers are defined, and recommendation is made for a pilot-project to address the problems.

Issues to Consider Related to Tobacco Contracts December 2006. (PDF, 2.2M)

The Agricultural Reinvestment Report. September 2006 (PDF, 2 MB). This reports outlines a
strategy for sustaining income and jobs in rural communities through investment in existing farm businesses. The report documents the role that direct-investment in farmer innovation can play in assisting rural, farm enterprises to transition to more profitable, sustainable models.

Farmer's Guide to Agricultural Credit. September 2006 (PDF, 4.6 MB). This guide was written to help farmers understand agricultural finance, and to help them be better prepared for the credit application process.  It introduces some effective planning tools farmers can use to increase their opportunities in accessing capital.  Also offered are appendices containing resources for further learning.

Overview of Gatlin v. Sanderson Farms, Inc.: Issues on Appeal. December 2005 (PDF).

Questions to Ask Before Signing a Poultry Contract. July 2005 (PDF). A guide to help farmers assess the true risks and benefits associated with contract poultry production.

A Non-Wonk Guide to Understanding Federal Commodity Payments. May 2005 (PDF, 4 MB). A 30-page publication explaining how field crop commodity programs work.

Farmers' Guide to GMOs. November 2004 (PDF file). Guide assists farmers to understand genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Published jointly by Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc. (FLAG) and Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI-USA).

Summit Proceedings: Summit on Seeds & Breeds for 21st Century Agriculture. July 2004 (PDF, 5 MB). Proceedings of summit, convened by RAFI in Washington DC on September 6-8 2003, to develop a blueprint for re-invigorating public domain plant and animal breeding to meet the needs of a more sustainable agriculture. CD ROM available upon request.

Who Owns Organic? The Global Status, Prospects, and Challenges of a Changing Organic Market. December 2003 (PDF, 1.5 MB). A 35-page report describing the global status of organic agriculture and evaluating the impact of structural changes in the industry on issues such as farmers' access and economic sustainability.

¿A quién pertenece la agricultura orgánica? (PDF, in Spanish)

Toward Social Justice and Economic Equity in the Food System: A Call for Social Stewardship Standards in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture 10/2003 (PDF file)

Vers une Justice Sociale et une Equité Economique Dans le Système Alimentaire: Un Appel pour des critères de gestion Sociale Dans l’Agriculture durable et biologique (PDF, in French)

Hacia la Justicia Social y la Equidad Económica en los Sistemas Alimentarios: Un Llamado para Normas Sociales en la Agricultura Orgánica y Sostenible
(PDF, in Spanish)

North Carolina On-Farm Research. May 2003 (PDF file)
Newsletter topics include cotton tillage practices, wasps to control bean beetles, steps to a successful research project, weed control for firs, organic apples and reducing peanut production costs.

Your Poultry Contract is Cut Off Due to Plant Closing: What Should You Do? 2003 (PDF file). An educational sheet on questions to ask when your poultry contract is terminated due to a plant closing.

Summary Report: Tobacco Farmer Survey 2001 (PDF file)
Survey findings of North Carolina tobacco farmers asked about their family situation, agricultural production, activities to cope with changes int he tobacco industry, and attitudes about the future of the tobacco industry and their options.

The Changing Structure of Agriculture in the Southern United States: Is sustainable agriculture any longer possible? What would it take? 2001
Executive summary and conclusions from a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) research project examining four southern farm commodities--poultry, hogs, tobacco, peanuts --to analyze major trends. The study looks at the impacts of these trends on the structure of agriculture, farm viability, environmental protection, and community well being. The four commodities are on a historical continuum from traditional family farm production, protected by federal programs, to vertically integrated production. The study also looks at the reasons for success and failure as farmers attempt sustainable agriculture processes, and outlines resources needed by farmers in adapting to major trends.

Greener Fields Phase 2 - Ecolabels: Where do we go from here? 2001
Includes introduction, participant list and proceedings of forum convened in St. Louis in 2001 to further discuss guiding principles and common elements of successful eco-llabeling, and to address and resolve the challenges and opportunities defined int he 2000 report Greener Fields: Signposts for Successful Eco-Labels (available in print).

Executive Summary: Greener Fields: Signposts for Successful Eco-Labels. 2000
One page overview of Greener Fields Project and description of the report Greener Fields: SIgnposts for Successful Eco-Labels (available in print).

Introduction: Greener Fields: Signposts for Successful Eco-Labels. 2000
Five page introduction to the Greener Fields Project and report Greener Fields: Signposts for Successful Eco-Labels (available in print).

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Many of our electronic publications are PDF files. If you cannot download a file, click on the Abode Acrobat icon to install a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Print Publications

Send orders to: Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI-USA), PO Box 640, Pittsboro NC 27312. Tel: 919-542-1396; Fax: 919-542-0069; email: communicator@rafiusa.org. Prices include postage and handling.

Farmer and Lender Project: Strategies to Sustain Agriculture and Enhance Rural Development in North Carolina. The Farmer and Lender Project report examines the barriers to agricultural finance in North Carolina, and looks toward a system of debt finance that allows lenders to work with innovative farmers. The challenges in the current system are discussed, barriers are defined, and recommendation is made for a pilot-project to address the problems. Cost $10.00

The Agricultural Reinvestment Report. September 2006. This reports outlines a
strategy for sustaining income and jobs in rural communities through investment in existing farm businesses. The report documents the role that direct-investment in farmer innovation can play in assisting rural, farm enterprises to transition to more profitable, sustainable models. Cost $10.00

Farmer's Guide to Agricultural Credit. September 2006. This guide was written to help farmers understand agricultural finance, and to help them be better prepared for the credit application process.  It introduces some effective planning tools farmers can use to increase their opportunities in accessing capital.  Also offered are appendices containing resources for further learning.

Farmers' Guide to GMOs. 2004. Guide assists farmers to understand genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Published jointly by Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc. (FLAG) and Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI-USA). Cost $10.00

Summit Proceedings: Summit on Seeds & Breeds for 21st Century Agriculture. 2004. Proceedings of summit, convened by RAFI in Washington DC on September 6-8 2003, to develop a blueprint for re-invigorating public domain plant and animal breeding to meet the needs of a more sustainable agriculture. CD ROM available upon request.
Cost $25.00

Who Owns Organic: The Global Status, Prospects, and Challenges of a Changing Organic Market. 2003. 35-page report describing the global status of organic agriculture and evaluating the impact of structural changes in the industry on issues such as farmers access and economic sustainability. Cost $15.00

Agricultural Reinvestment: A Producer Cost-Share Program. 2001. 30-page report on the enterprise cost-share program which supported 17 demonstration projects in six major tobacco-producing counties in eastern North Carolina. The program provided grants to individual producers and communities for research and development into enterprises with potential to supplement or replace tobacco income. The program allowed farmers and communities to test out their own ideas for increasing agricultural income from non-tobacco sources. Cost: $10.00

Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund Video. 2001. 19-minute standard VHS video portrays 17 research and demonstration projects supported by cost-share program to supplement or replace tobacco income in six major tobacco-producing counties in North Carolina. Available for purchase or loan. Upon return of the video, $6.00 will be refunded. Cost: $12.50

Getting Ahead or Falling Behind: How Farmers Reacted to 1996 Changes in the Federal Peanut Program, and Strategies For Pro-active Change. 2001. This report outlines the experience of farmer participants in the RAFI-USA Peanut Project in adapting to changes in the Federal Peanut Program enacted in 1996, and strategies for supporting farmers in making changes that are both financially sound and environmentally beneficial. The Peanut Project was established in 1995 to assist farmers in reducing costs and environmental impact associated with the use of pesticides in peanut production through farmer-led research and peer-based information sharing. By 2001, Peanut Project farmers had reduced their use of pesticides by over 250,000 pounds of active ingredient. The report includes an overview of strategies used by farmers to maintain income, barriers to the adoption of more sustainable practices, and an overview of strategies used by the Peanut Project to assist farmers. Cost: $5.00

Greener Fields: Signposts for Successful Eco-Labels. 2000. Report discusses results of research exploring a broad range of marketing and labeling programs and provides an overview of various issues and opportunities facing the labeling community. Strategies for creating marketing programs that further the goals of sustainable agriculture are offered throughout the report. Cost: $20.00

The Peanut Project: Farmer-Focused Innovation for Sustainable Peanut Production. 1998. RAFI-USA's Peanut Project assisted peanut farmers in eliminating over 25,000 pounds of active ingredient of pesticides on over 2000 acres. This report describes the farmer-focused model at the heart of the project, which used peer-based learning opportunities, farmer-to-farmer information sharing, and on-farm field trials to assist farmers who adopted more sustainable methods of farming. The report includes the specific nature of pest management strategies utilized. Cost: $10.00

Toward Organic Integrity: A Guide to the Development of US Organic Standards. 1997. Goals of this guide are to: provide clear road map for a more rapid citizens response to the 1998 proposed rules for US organic standards; serve as an easily accessed historical compository of key NOSB and other governmental documents necessary for making well grounded responses; lay out main issues at stake; and serve as a guide for other organic standards experiments in other countries or the private sector. Cost: $10.00

Farmer Net Income from Broiler Contracts. 1995. A report of recent studies and projections of annual income from broiler contracts with analysis based on farmer records. Cost: $5.00

Shattering: Food, Politics and the Loss of Genetic Diversity. 1990. Shattering describes an environmental crisis which sets the stage for widespread hunger. At stake are the integrity, future and control of the first link in the food chain: the seed. Written for the lay reader, Shattering brilliantly describes the struggle for control of seeds, as nations and companies vie for access to and benefits from the world's plant genetic resources. Cost: $5.00

RAFI Communique. 1986-2000. For 15 years, RAFI-USA researched, wrote and published the bimonthly RAFI Communique. Sent by mail, e-mail and posted on the web, RAFI Communique provided critical information and analysis on biotechnology, intellectual property rights and genetic resources issues to governments, policy makers, educators, public interest groups and farmer associations around the world. Topics included BGH, seed industry consolidation, bioprospecting, biopiracy and indigenous peoples and terminator technology. A complete list of titles is available upon request. Cost: $2.00/issue

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