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U.S. History Topics » Government » Presidents

See Featured 75 Resources
Emancipation Proclamation Commemorative Coloring Book provides an overview of the history of the Emancipation Proclamation for children and coloring pages featuring Abraham Lincoln and notable African Americans, including Frederick...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves"...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
I Do Solemnly Swear... Presidential Inaugurations is a collection of about 400 items from each of the 62 inaugurations, from George Washington's in 1789 to Barack Obama's inauguration of 2009. It will include items from the...  (Library of Congress)
Abraham Lincoln Papers presents Lincoln's draft of the Emancipation Proclamation, his second inaugural address, an 1864 memo expressing his expectation of being defeated for re-election, and more than 70,000...  (Library of Congress)
Ulysses S. Grant provides insights into U.S. history topics -- frontier life, westward expansion, the Mexican-American War, military strategy, slavery, abolition, race relations, Reconstruction, black...  (WGBH, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden examines the job of a president, the balance of power with the Supreme Court and Congress, and ways presidents have communicated with the public. Features include the battle sword of...  (National Museum of American History, supported by Smithsonian Institution)
Madison's Treasures presents the most significant documents from our fourth President, James Madison. Most relate to two events in which Madison played a key role: the drafting and ratification of the...  (Library of Congress)
The Time of the Lincolns a companion website to the film Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided, examines the context and conflicts surrounding the Civil War. Topics include the partisan politics of the...  (PBS, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Lincoln Home National Historic Site: A Place of Growth and Memory recounts the life of our 16th president. See photos of the house in Springfield, Illinois, that Abraham Lincoln, his wife, and family occupied for 17 years. Read news accounts of his...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
The Presidency features 40 documents from 23 Presidents -- Washington's first inaugural address, Adams' description of his reception by King George III as America's first minister to Great Britain...  (Library of Congress)
Presidential Timeline of the 20th Century features a multimedia exhibit of key events and decisions that U.S. presidents faced in the 20th century: the stock market crash, Pearl Harbor, the atomic bomb, Little Rock school...  (University of Texas at Austin, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Thomas Jefferson explores the extraordinary legacy of Thomas Jefferson as a founding father, farmer, slaveholder, scholar, diplomat, and the third president of the U.S. Learn about his country estate...  (Library of Congress)
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission 2009 celebrates the upcoming 200th birthday of our 16th president. A timeline, key speeches, and links to organizations dedicated to the study of Lincoln are provided. Lesson plans (in the...  (Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission)
Getting the Message Out! National Political Campaign Materials, 1840-1860 looks at politics in antebellum America. Read about the presidential campaigns. See campaign biographies of the candidates -- from William Harrison, Martin Van Buren, and James...  (Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, supported by Institute of Museum and Library Services)
Lincoln/Net presents writings, speeches, and materials from Abraham Lincoln's years in Illinois (1830-1861). Biographical materials look at Lincoln's boyhood, Indian wars, the Whig Party, the...  (Northern Illinois University, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Presidents of the United States offers a biography, portrait, and facts about each U.S. President...  (The White House)
James Madison Papers includes 12,000 letters, notes, legislation, and other documents from the man considered the Father of the Constitution. These documents (1723-1836), including an autobiography, help...  (Library of Congress)
Harry Truman and Independence, Missouri: features the home and story of our thirty-third President. Upon returning home after World War I, Truman married his childhood sweetheart, started a clothing store that failed, and...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
American Leaders Speak: Recordings from World War I and the 1920 Election, 1918-1920 consists of 59 sound recordings of speeches by American leaders at the turn of the century. Speakers include Warren G. Harding, James Cox, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin D. Roosevelt...  (Library of Congress)
Theodore Roosevelt: His Life and Times on Film features 104 short films which record events in Roosevelt's life from the Spanish-American War in 1898 to his death in 1919. In addition to scenes of Roosevelt, these films include...  (Library of Congress)
George Washington Papers includes letters, diaries, financial accounts, military records, and other writings from Washington's youth and service as a surveyor and colonel, as delegate to the Continental...  (Library of Congress)
The Diaries of George Washington features the colorful diaries of the first U.S. President, written between 1748 and 1799. They chronicle his life from his time as a self-made farmer to his tenure as a...  (Library of Congress)
Words and Deeds in American History presents historical documents spanning from the 15th to the mid-20th century. Included are the papers of presidents, cabinet ministers, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices...  (Library of Congress)
The Thomas Jefferson Papers contains more than 20,000 digitized images of various letters, memoranda, notes, and drafts of documents, books, papers, letters, and manuscripts of the third President, as well as...  (Library of Congress)
Woodrow Wilson: Prophet of Peace examines President Wilson's struggle and ultimate failure to reach the ideal of achieving lasting world peace through the League of Nations. Through various activities students can...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Papers of George Washington features Washington's correspondence, documents and articles, maps and images, and links to other George Washington resources on the web...  (University of Virginia, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
African American History Month Federal Resources The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution...  (Library of Congress)
Ronald Reagan Documents features 24 memos, speeches, proclamations, and other primary documents from Reagan's presidency. Topics include economic recovery, energy, national defense, oil imports, small...  (National Archives and Records Administration) provides lessons, teaching guides, best practices, and other resources for teaching history. See videos on "what is historical thinking," teaching history in elementary school, and...  (, supported by Department of Education)
Truman Presidential Library and Museum helps students and educators work with primary source materials. The project offers documents, photographs, records, cartoons, and other archival material for research projects...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Memories of Montpelier: Home of James and Dolley Madison describes the setting, main house, and grounds of the home of our fourth President and the "father" of the Constitution. It also provides insights into daily life in the 19th century...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Documents Related to Churchill and FDR examines the friendship and working relations that developed between U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill beginning in 1940. Their...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
U.S. Electoral College provides information and statistics on presidential elections, past and present. For the 2004 election, it includes popular vote totals by state, Electoral College members, and state...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Thaw in the Cold War: Eisenhower and Khrushchev at Gettysburg describes how President Eisenhower's personal diplomacy at his Gettysburg farm helped ease the tensions of the Cold War. The site offers photos and maps of the home as well as...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Inaugurations profiles Presidential inaugurations of the past using primary sources from the American Memory historical collections of the Library of Congress. Through images, film, and personal...  (Library of Congress)
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial recounts Abraham Lincoln's growth from boyhood to manhood in the newly formed state of Indiana on the western frontier. Learn about his family's move there, his mother's death (when he...  (Multiple Agencies)
John and Abigail Adams offers insights into the birth of American democracy, the American Revolution, life in the colonies, the Founding Fathers, the branches of government, lawmaking, and politics. Learn...  (WGBH, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
How Do I Become President? displays winning posters designed by students to show what a person must do to become president of the U.S...  (General Services Administration)
Historians on America looks at 11 developments that altered the course of U.S. history: the trial of John Peter Zenger and the birth of freedom of the press, the Constitutional Convention (1787), George...  (Department of State)
Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site: Birthplace of the Modern Presidency examines the career of our 26th President—the conditions under which he became a vice presidential candidate, the assassination of President McKinley, the home where TR was hastily...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Thomas Jefferson's Plan for the University of Virginia: Lessons from the Lawn tells the story of the creation of the University of Virginia. After serving as President, Jefferson continued advocating for a statewide system of education in Virginia, hoping to...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
TR: The Story of Theodore Roosevelt is an online companion to a 4-hour PBS documentary. It features photographs, newspapers, motion pictures, and sound recordings; family diaries and letters; and interviews with...  (WGBH, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
FDR's Fireside Chat on the Purposes and Foundations of the Recovery Program presents the text of one of Franklin Roosevelt's "fireside chats" with the American people. In this 07/24, 1933, radio broadcast, he addressed issues of the Great Depression and...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
FDR's First Inaugural Address: Declaring War on the Great Depression provides photos from that time. It includes Franklin Roosevelt's first inaugural address, in which he said, "I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Springwood: Birthplace and Home to Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only place in the U.S. where a President was born, maintained a lifelong connection, and lies buried. The estate, located in Hyde Park on the Hudson River (New York), is where...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of the American Century is the companion website for a film about our 28th President. Discover the issues that made the 1912 election important. Learn how Wilson tried to keep us out of World War I, but how...  (KCET, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Eisenhower Home Virtual Tour walks students through the house that was the only place President Eisenhower and his wife ever called home. In 1950, the Eisenhowers, looking forward to retirement, purchased the...  (National Park Service)
One Life: The Mask of Lincoln celebrates the bicentennial of the birth of one of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), with an online exhibit of 30 portraits aimed "to show the changing face that...  (National Portrait Gallery, supported by Smithsonian Institution)
The Last Days of a President: Films of McKinley and the Pan-American Exposition, 1901 provides 28 films that include footage of the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, President McKinley at his second inauguration, and McKinley's funeral. Two brief essays recall the...  (Library of Congress)
Presidential Elections and the Electoral College presents materials on elections and the voting process. It links to other election and electoral college resources...  (Library of Congress)
Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929 documents the widespread prosperity of the Coolidge years, the nation's transition to a mass consumer economy, and the role of the government in this transition. The collection...  (Library of Congress)
New Deal Network, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute provides research and teaching resources devoted to the public works and arts projects of the New Deal, including information on how the Great Depression affected children, and workers...  (Columbia University, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Journey Through Hallowed Ground: Travel through Virginia's Piedmont visits 65 historic places along 75 miles of Route 15 in Virginia's Piedmont. Stops include homes of Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe; sites of some of the bloodiest battles in the...  (National Park Service)
Martin Van Buren's "Return to the Soil" is a curriculum-oriented site using the home, named Lindenwald, the eighth President moved to after his term in office to introduce a discussion of Van Buren and his times. The site...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Lincoln's Spot Resolutions provides background information and lessons (correlated to academic standards) that incorporate the use of textbooks, maps, and discussions based on primary documents such as the U.S...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Presidential Libraries provides an overview of the Presidential Library system. It also serves as a gateway to the websites of the repositories that preserve and make available the papers, records, and other...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Political Cartoons Illustrating Progressivism and the Election of 1912 offers teaching activities, four political cartoons, and a narrative about reforms proposed by three major presidential candidates in 1912: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Constitutional Issues: Watergate and the Constitution examines Constitutional issues surrounding the resignation of President Nixon and looks at the specific question: Should the Watergate Special Prosecutor seek an indictment of the...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Birthplace of John F. Kennedy: Home of the Boy Who Would Be President takes students to JFK's birthplace and to the neighborhood where he grew up. It was here that JFK's parents began instilling the high standards and ambition that would make the...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Herbert Hoover: Iowa Farm Boy and World Humanitarian is a curriculum-oriented site using the birthplace of the American president to introduce readings and suggested theme topics for student papers. The site shows photos and drawings of...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Growing into Public Service: William Howard Taft's Boyhood Home examines the family and setting in Cincinnati where the 27th President and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court grew up. It includes readings, maps, photos, and activities for students...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
We'll Sing to Abe Our Song!: Sheet Music about Lincoln, Emancipation, and the Civil War includes more than 200 sheet-music compositions about Abraham Lincoln and the war. This collection spans the years from Lincoln's presidential campaign in 1859 through the centenary of...  (Library of Congress) provides an online tour of the White House, biographical information about the President and Vice President, and games and quizzes. It includes special features on U.S. Presidents and...  (The White House)
Hall of Presidents offers a selection of portraits of U.S. presidents. Each portrait is accompanied by a brief description of the president and his accomplishments...  (National Portrait Gallery, supported by Smithsonian Institution)
George Washington: A National Treasure takes an in-depth look at the famous Gilbert Stuart portrait of our first president. Explore the symbolic, artistic, and biographic meanings of the sword and books by clicking on...  (Smithsonian Institution)
President's Day: United in Service includes web-exclusive videos, presidential biographies developed with the help of area 5th-graders, coloring pages by a White House artist, and resources on volunteer service, history...  (The White House)
By Popular Demand: Portraits of the Presidents and First Ladies is an online illustrated reference aid displaying 156 portraits depicting every American president and most first ladies...  (Library of Congress)
Discover: Presidential Log Cabins is a set of materials designed to help 6th to 8th grade students learn about the significance of three log cabin sites occupied by four of our nation's greatest leaders. Through these...  (National Park Service)
The Unfinished Lincoln Memorial provides lessons that use photographs of the memorial of President Lincoln and other information for teaching students history, civics, and government. This lesson correlates to the...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
The Washington Monument: Tribute in Stone focuses on George Washington's life, his impact on our nation, and the design and history of this famous memorial. Students are invited to evaluate proposed plans for the monument and...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
The Lincoln Legal Papers documents Lincoln's active and successful professional life as a lawyer before he moved to Washington, D.C. in 1861. The site's editors will select, annotate, and transcribe material...  (Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Inaugural Quiz challenges visitors to test their knowledge about inaugurations and presidential history with a 10 question quiz...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
The Hoover Museum -- Just For Kids portrays the life of President Hoover using resources from the Hoover Presidential Library such as a chronology, a biography of his wife, Lou Henry, excerpts from speeches, political...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Turn of the Century First Ladies... Who's That Lady? is an online "bowl event" where teams of students compete by naming First Ladies who appear in a slideshow...  (Library of Congress)
Presidents: The Secret History exposes quirky facts about our first 42 presidents. What would kids do if they were president? What qualities do kids think make a good president? Find out here...  (WGBH, supported by Institute of Museum and Library Services)

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