Practical Farmers of Iowa Fostering profitable, ecologically sound, and community-enhancing approaches to agriculture.
Practical Farmers of Iowa
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Joining PFI is simple, affordable and smart!
Join PFI
By joining PFI you are availing yourself of the wisdom and knowledge of an incredible community of innovative farmers, enlightened consumers and forward-thinking agricultural and environmental professionals.

And you are adding your voice to the growing movement working for a profitable, ecological and community-enhancing vision for Iowa agriculture.

Click here for a complete list of member benefits.

How to join? Two easy ways:

  • Print off the PFI membership form and

    Buy Fresh, Buy Local Wear your support for PFI:
    Merchandise Order Form 

    mail it in with your check, money order or credit card information.
    PFI membership form (.pdf format) 
  • Call Suzi at 515-232-5661, ext. 101 to have a brochure mailed to you.



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Practical Farmers of Iowa  ·  137 Lynn Ave.  ·  Suite 200  ·  Ames, Iowa 50014  ·  515.232.5661
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