Immigrate to Manitoba, Canada. This is the official Government of Manitoba Immigration website. All information on this site, including application forms for immigration is provided free by the government.
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Helpful resources and reference materials

Working as an English as an Additional Language teacher is challenging and rewarding. To help you, here’s a list of resources, activities, websites and other materials.

Needs Assessment Tools

Communication Network Diagram
Use this resource to help you plan lessons.

Manitoba curriculum support

Module Planning Framework (MS Word 143kb)
This document is an essential skills and benchmarks-referenced tool to assist teachers in developing theme/language task modules based on needs-assessment results.

Module Planning Framework - Template (MS Word 37kb)
For teachers who would prefer to work on paper, this document has larger spaces in which to write.

Collaborative Language Portfolio Assessment: Manitoba Best Practices Guide (MS Word 1mb)
Developed with significant teacher input, this outlines the protocol for using CLPA in Manitoba government-funded EAL programs and offers ideas for using CLPA with different groups of learners.

Language Portfolio Assessment - FAQ (PDF 88kb)
This answers EAL teachers' common questions.

Writing Rubrics for Outcome Assessment (Word 644kb)
This is a working document based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000.

Reading Task Outcome Assessment - Rubrics (Word)
This document includes rubrics for CLB levels 1- 9. They are intended to capture an individual student's performance on a particular reading outcome assessment.

Reading Task Outcome Assessment - Results Overview (Word)
This document contains forms that an instructor can use to record overall class results on a particular reading outcome assessment task for CLB levels 1-9.

EAL for Academic Success: Benchmarking Project (PDF 17kb)
This report compares curriculum content of the public school Grade 12 program EAL for Academic Success with Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 task descriptors in order to benchmark the language skills used throughout the course. (Part of the efforts of Manitoba Education Citizenship and Youth, Labour Market Strategy for Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch and Adult Learning and Literacy to establish common ground in the provision of EAL instruction in Manitoba.)

English at Work: Instructor’s Manual (MS Word 565kb)
This guides instructors in creating workplace language training.

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Other curriculum resources

Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks (Website)
The centre that sets national standards publishes authoritative materials on a variety of topics.

National Adult Literacy Database (Website)
As well as tutor training guides, this organization funded by the National Literacy Secretariat of Human Resources and Social Development Canada has a wealth of learning, research and teaching materials and tools plus links, contacts and discussion groups.

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Teaching activities and resources

Learning English with CBC Manitoba
An EAL site produced by the Adult Language Training Branch and the CBC lets students learn while listening to radio news reports about life in Manitoba. Lessons include printed material for classroom use. A new lesson is added each week.

Suggested resources (PDF 80kb)
This annotated and categorized list of resources for teacher professional development and classroom instruction includes print, audio, visual, computer software and online material. CLB levels are indicated, publisher information provided.

Pronunciation teaching tips (PDF 100kb)
Advice and suggested approaches for teaching comprehensible pronunciation.

Asking and teaching questions (PDF 68kb)
Information on planning appropriate questioning in class, and assisting learners develop language skills as they learn to ask and answer increasingly complex questions.

Creating Authentic Materials and Activities for the Adult Literacy Classroom (PDF 860kb)
Although this guide is intended for adult literacy teachers, there are practical suggestions for EAL teachers, especially in Chapters 3, 4 and 5. The guide comes out of a five-year U.S. study of materials, activities and student collaboration in literacy classrooms.

Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly (Website)
Among its resources, this U.S. organization serving seniors who face language and cultural barriers produces a guide called Bright Ideas: Tips for Teaching ESL to the Elderly.

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Teaching activities and resources

Settlement topic lesson plans and language activities
These lessons were designed for adult newcomers living and learning in rural Manitoba communities. Some can be adapted for learners anywhere. The documents are in MS Word and you are free to change and use them in your teaching. Topics include employment, safety, community and health. This material was developed in 2008 by South Eastman English and Literacy Services (SEELS).

Additional materials

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Conference, speaking and workshop notes

Adult Language Training Branch Fall Conference, November 2007
Joanne Pettis's plenary speech (PDF 665) - Speaking notes and presentation: "Well, you know, it's not the same as written English, eh?"

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EAL Publishers and Distributors

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Websites for practising English

There are many good websites for teaching and learning English as an additional language. The following offer resources for your students to practise vocabulary, grammar and reading. These sites are also listed in our publication Self-study Ideas.

Please note that the Adult Language Training Branch is not responsible for the content of these websites or third party links.

Listening websites

These websites are helpful for practising English listening and pronunciation.

Radio Listening Websites

Reading Websites

These reading websites have English reading activities, which are based on current events and news from Canada and around the world.

Writing websites


Spelling Websites

These websites are for anyone who would like to improve their spelling in English.

Idiom Websites

Pronunciation Websites

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Online

Websites for Professionals and Tradespeople

  • Canadian English for Professionals Website
    This site has information about communication classes for internationally trained engineers, teachers and nurses.
  • Canadian English Language Benchmarks Assessment for Nurses
    If you completed your nursing education in another country and you speak English as Additional Language, you may want to take this test. For more information, see the website.
  • Medline
    This site has tutorials for practising listening skills and a medical news section.
  • English Med
    This site has exercises, animated dialogues, and video clips. You can have limited access without a membership or full access with a membership.
  • The Canadian Medical Association Journal
    On this site, you can read and listen to information about conferences, health news, medical topics, procedures, and tests. It also has a medical dictionary.

Staying Safe at Work
This is a curriculum series for students to develop language skills while learning about workplace safety. More lesson units will be added as they are completed.

ALT Resource Collection

ALT Resource Collection The Adult Language Training Branch maintains a resource collection for people working in EAL programs that are funded by the Manitoba Immigrant Integration Program.

You may borrow books, kits, audio and videotapes and CDs covering listening/speaking, integrated skills, pronunciation, classroom activities, reading/writing, EAL literacy, grammar, vocabulary, culture, citizenship, workplace, assessment and evaluation, and professional development. There also are a few resources useful for working with children.

Location: Fifth Floor, 213 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Arrange a visit: To visit phone the branch at 945-6300. People who don't work in MIIP-funded programs may arrange to visit the resource collection for reference purposes. Lost items must be replaced by the borrower.

Additional resources: For more teaching resources and ideas see the Teaching overseas.

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