Immigrate to Manitoba, Canada. This is the official Government of Manitoba Immigration website. All information on this site, including application forms for immigration is provided free by the government.
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Self-directed language learning online
English Online is a new website that guides students through learning modules based on real-life scenarios. Teachers can use the lessons in class, or direct students to try the site at home.
  • Curriculum & Resources
    Take advantage of the Adult EAL curriculum resources provided by the Adult Language Training Branch.
  • Language Benchmarks
    Here you'll find links to publications from the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, and downloadable versions of CLB posters that you can adapt for use in your teaching activities.
  • Professional development
    Stay up to date with professional development events in Manitoba and across the country.
  • Become an EAL teacher
    This page lists schools and programs where you can train to become an Adult EAL teacher, and offers advice for job-seekers in Canada and abroad.
  • Teach English overseas
    Read how to get a job overseas as an Adult EAL teacher, and what teaching aids you may want to bring.
  • Volunteers
    Volunteers are vital to Manitoba's EAL programs. We have programs and resources to help you become involved.
  • Multimedia workshops
    View video and slide presentations of workshops and other events for Adult EAL Teachers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why were changes made to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)?
The MPNP is a dynamic program that was developed to respond to Manitoba's changing economic needs and therefore is regularly updated and enhanced in order to remain responsive to our economy.

In addition, Manitoba continues to introduce positive changes for immigrants such as The Fair...

What changes were made to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program?
We removed from the MPNP the Occupations with Additional Requirements List so that skilled workers from all occupations with a strong connection to Manitoba are eligible to apply.

However, live-in caregivers must still apply through the specific Government of Canada...

How will the MPNP consider applicants in occupations which used to be on the now-removed Occupations with Additional Requirements List?
All applicants must demonstrate a strong connection to Manitoba through the support of relatives, previous work experience and/or education in the province in order to be eligible to apply to the MPNP.

All applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis and each applicant must...

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