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International Year of Planet Earth & Earth Science Week 2009 Photography Contest

"Exploring Earth Science Around the World"

About the Contest

To celebrate the International Year of Planet Earth and Earth Science Week 2009, the American Geological Institute (AGI) is sponsoring a major international photography contest: "Exploring Earth Science Around the World."

Please see below for contest guidelines.

Click here to download the photography contest entry form.

Click here to download the permission form for any children/minors in the photo.

Click here to download a contest flier.

Contest Guidelines

Who can enter?

The photography contest is open to anyone of any age, anywhere around the world.

Must be Original, Unpublished Work

Entries must be composed of original, authentic, unpublished material and must be the sole property of the entrant, not previously submitted to any other contest. Published material includes that which has been posted on the World Wide Web. This includes, but is not limited to, Facebook, or any other social network Website where photos have been posted and shared.

What is the subject of the photograph?

Your photograph should focus on "Exploring Earth Science Around the World."

No matter where in the world you live, Earth science can be found all around you. Just step outdoors, and you find it in rivers and lakes, in the sky above you, and in the ground under your feet. Earth science includes geology, oceanography, meteorology, hydrology, paleontology, and other geosciences. Show people engaged in Earth science exploration in the natural environment of your part of the world!

What do I need to submit?

A valid submission will contain the following:

1. One photograph focusing on the topic "Exploring Earth Science Around the World." Each photo must be original, authentic, unpublished, taken or created by the entrant, the sole property of the entrant, and not previously submitted in any other contest.

2. One completed and signed entry form, including your personal information and a brief one- to two-sentence caption, in English, explaining your entry:

  • First and last name of entrant
  • Address (street, city, state, postal code, country)
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Caption explaining your entry (exact location featured in entry photo, natural feature displayed in photo, when photo was taken)

3. One completed and signed permission form, for each child/minor appearing in the photograph. If a person under the age of 18 appears in the photo, the parental consent line on the entry form must be signed by the child's parent or guardian.

How should I submit my photograph?

Photos may be sent only by e-mail to info@earthsciweek.org with the subject heading "IYPE-ESW Photo Contest."

Accompanying entry forms and permission forms must be signed by hand. Once signed, forms may be (a) mailed, (b) faxed, or (c) scanned electronically and emailed along with the relevant photo.

All emailed forms must be sent to info@earthsciweek.org. Please include relevant forms in the same email with your photo.

For forms faxed or mailed sent separately from your photo, be sure to indicate when your photo was emailed and include any other information necessary to match your form with the photo that you have sent by email.

All faxed forms must be sent to USA 703-379-7563.

All mailed forms must be sent to:

IYPE-ESW Photo Contest
American Geological Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302-1502

If you have any problems submitting your essay, please e-mail the Earth Science Week staff at info@earthsciweek.org.

When is the deadline?

All eligible submissions must be postmarked or received by fax or email by 5 p.m. US Eastern Standard Time, Friday, October 16, 2009.

How will the photographs be judged?

The photographs will be judged by a panel of geoscientists on creativity and relevance to and incorporation of the topic.

What are the prizes?

The first place winner will receive a prize of $500 cash (US currency or equivalent), a "Faces of Earth" DVD set, and placement of his or her photograph on the International Year of Planet Earth and Earth Science Week websites. The second place winner will receive $300, and the third place winner will receive $100. The winners' names also will be posted on the International Year of Planet Earth and Earth Science Week websites. All other expenses not stated are the sole responsibility of the winners. No cash substitution for prizes will be permitted and prizes are nontransferable.

Disclaimer: Submission of an entry constitutes consent to allow the American Geological Institute to use the entrant's name and/or photograph, including posting on the American Geological Institute website and in other electronic and print forums, without compensation unless prohibited. All entries and all rights of ownership in and to the entries, including all rights to use, reproduce, publish, modify, edit, and distribute the same will become the exclusive property of the American Geological Institute and will not be returned. The American Geological Institute reserves the right to edit, modify, adapt, copyright, publish, use, and reproduce any and all entries without further compensation. The American Geological Institute, its agents and contractor, are not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, incomplete, or postage-due entries. Contest void where prohibited or restricted by law.

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