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H-Environment, An H-Net Discussion Network

Organizations, Centers, Research Initiatives

This is a directory of groups currently working on and developing projects related to environmental history. It includes the key organizations, as well as other centers, seminars, and ongoing research initiatives. All of the names open to links in new windows. Please submit appropriate links to the web editor.

American Society for Environmental History (ASEH)

European Society for Environmental History (ESEH)

AHRC Research Centre for Environmental History, University of Stirling, University of St. Andrews

Australian Environmental History at ANU

Australian Forest History Society

Boston Environmental History Seminar

Center for Environmental History, Austria (ZUG)

Centre for World Environmental History, University of Sussex


Forest History Society (FHS)

International Environmental History Group (Finland)

NiCHE: Network in Canadian History and Environment /
Nouvelle initiative canadienne en histoire de l'environnement

Quelques arpents de neige (in French and English)

Research Initiatives

Back to the Future: Reconstructing the Strait of Georgia Ecosystem

CLIWOC: Climatological Database for the World's Oceans 1750-1850

Documenting Environmental Change, University of Cambridge

Environmental History of Modern Aquaculture

German Historical Institute

Global Fisheries History Network (GFHN)

History of Marine Animal Populations (HMAP)

Human Impact on Terrestrial Ecosystems (HITE)

Land & People, University of Otago: The History of Land Utilisation and the development of Rural Society in New Zealand.

Population and Environment in the U.S. Great Plains

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