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Symposia Submissions

It’s that time of year – Get your engines revved up and get ready to submit your cutting-edge research for the 2009 ESA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis!

Symposia submission links are available below for you to submit your information online.  Please pay special attention to the 2009 submission deadline dates.

Program Symposia Submission due date: January, 23, 2009

Submit Program Symposia here. 

Section Symposia Submission due date: February 27, 2009

Submit Section Symposia here

Member Symposia
Submission due date: February 27, 2009

Submit Member Symposia here.

Add your voice to the entomological discussion, and get ready to Celebrate Entomology, at ESA 57th Annual Meeting! 

Complete instructions on how to submit symposia, required information, etc. can be found on the submission links above.

For information on Program symposia, Section symposia, and other symposia submission deadlines, please check here.

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