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Submit A Job Opportunity

ESA Newsletter and the ESA website

The ESA Newsletter and web site are the most effective ways to reach the ESA audience in a timely fashion and via a medium that they rely on. Robin Todd, BCE, of ICR Labs in Baltimore, MD says "We have used ESA's online job opportunities service several times and have always received many good responses in a very short time.  We will be using it again ..."  Consider these facts: 

  • Circulation of the ESA Newsletter is annual 6,000.
  • Over 95% of ESA members read the newsletter each month
  • 70% of them read the job opportunities in the newsletter.
  • On the ESA web site, the online job opportunities receive over 5,000 hits per month.

Go to the Submission Form


Text ads:

Text ad in newsletter $25/line1
(Minimum of two lines required)
Graduate assistantship text ad in newsletter $12/line1
(Minimum of four lines required)
Add graphic to text ad in newsletter $20/graphic2
Add online text ad 20% additional
Abbreviation of text ad Minimum $25 additional2
Online only text ad (30 days) $2/word
(Minimum of 25 words required. Use "Word Count" function is MS Word to determine the number of words.)
Add graphic to online text ad $10/graphic2
Display ad in newsletter See rates below
Add online display ad 20% additional
Labor on display ads not submitted camera-ready Minimum $25 additional2

1Column lines are approximately 40 characters long including spaces. Customers should use this number to determine the number of lines for their ad. 
2The customer will be notified in advance if additional charges apply.

Display ads:

Size Rate Dimensions (width x height)
Full page $1,995 7.5" x 9.25"
2/3 page $1,595 5" x 9.25"
1/2 page (h) $1,245 7.5" x 4.5"
1/3 page (h) $ 895 7.5" x 3"
1/3 page (v) $ 895 2.375" x 9.25"
1/6 page $ 545 2.375" x 4.5"

Rates are non-commissionable for advertising agencies. If a Purchase Order is required by your institution, please include the P.O. number with your order.

Deadlines and Duration

Job opportunities for the ESA Newsletter must be received by the 1st of the month, one month prior to the month of publication. Each issue of the newsletter is released on the 1st of the month. Job ads also appearing on the ESA web site will be posted on the 1st of the month, unless the submitter specifies another date, and will remain online for one month or until the stated deadline, whichever comes first.

Online-only ads will be posted within five business days of receipt unless the submitter specifies otherwise, and will remain online for one month or until stated deadline, whichever comes first.


Text ads for the ESA Newsletter should be abbreviated using the abbreviations listed here. Text ads for the web site do not have to be abbreviated. If adding a graphic, the graphic should be a camera-ready, PC-compatible TIF file at 300 dpi for grayscale or 600 dpi for line (bitmap). Additional charges apply to add a graphic and/or if abbreviation or graphics work is done by ESA staff (see Rates). Submit a text-only ad via the online submission form below. If including a graphic, e-mail the text of the ad, the attached graphic file, name and full contact information of submitter and billing person, and any instructions to

Display job opportunities for the ESA Newsletter or the ESA web site should be a PC-compatible TIF or JPG graphic file at 300 dpi for grayscale or 600 dpi for line (bitmap) in one of the sizes noted above (see Rates). E-mail display ads as attachments to, and include the name and full contact information of the submitter and the billing person.

All job opportunities must be submitted electronically and contain EOE.

Submission Form (for text ads only)

To submit graphics or display ads, please attach files to an e-mail and send to
  • For text-only ads, please complete the form below (Fields marked with * require input).
  • When you are finished filling in the form, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

*Billing Organization:

* Billing address (No P.O. Box):

*Contact's name (for billing purposes):

*Phone (for billing purposes):

*E-mail (for billing purposes):

*Position title for job opportunity (to appear in the ad):

*Text of job opportunity, including job description, application instructions, application deadline, and contact information:

Special instructions/questions to ESA:

Include this submission in both the ESA Newsletter and on the ESA web site. 
Include this submission in the ESA Newsletter only.
Include this submission on the ESA web site only.

By hitting the submit button, I accept the rates provided by ESA. I understand that I will be notified in advance of any additional charges.

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