Gender Equality and Development

DAC work in the area of gender equality ( is conducted primarily through the Network on Gender Equality (GENDERNET).

GENDERNET is the only international forum where gender experts from development co-operation agencies meet to define common approaches in support of gender equality.

What's new

Issues Briefs on Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness


These Issues Briefs examine the connections between gender equality, women’s empowerment and aid effectiveness. They are intended for programme managers and thematic advisors in donor agencies. (Also available in French and Spanish.)

Aid effectiveness evidence gathering project on gender equality, human rights and social exclusion


The purpose of this project, funded by the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway and the Netherlands, has been to build an evidence base on the relationship between human rights, social exclusion and gender equality and the aid effectiveness agenda as set out in the Paris Declaration.

OECD takes up the torch of gender equality and women’s empowerment


On 21/5/08 the Swedish Minister for Development Co-operation Gunilla Carlsson presented MDG3 champion torches to the OECD’s Secretary-General, Angel Gurría, and to the Chair of the DAC, Eckhard Deutscher. The presentation was part of the Danish government’s MDG3 Global Call to Action to increase international support and investments in the achievement of gender equality and women's empowerment (MDG3). The last of 100 torches will be presented to the UN Secretary-General on 25 September.

Strengthening the Development Results and Impacts of the Paris Declaration through Work on Gender Equality, Social Exclusion and Human Rights


This workshop shared the emerging analysis and experiences at field-level and identified and “show-cased” case studies  of direct relevance to the themes of the September 2008 High Level Forum (HLF-3) in Accra,which will review progress in implementing the Paris Declaration.

Aid in support of gender equality and women's empowerment 2005-2006


This report with tables and charts summarizes statistics on aid focused on gender equality and women’s empowerment extended by each DAC member in 2005-2006.

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Just published

The GENDERNET has prepared a series of Issues Briefs examining the connections between gender equality, women’s empowerment and aid effectiveness.


Editor's Choice

These "Tipsheets" provide information on how and why gender equality is a crucial dimension in all development initiatives.

Gender Equality Tipsheets
Gender Equality in Sector Wide Approaches

Guidance for advancing gender issues in the development co-operation programmes of DAC Members.

DAC Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development Co-operation

A valuable set of definitions of key concepts and approaches which guide and deepen the reader's understanding of gender equality issues and how to address them.

DAC Source Book on Concepts and Approaches Linked to Gender Equality