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Science » Applied Sciences » Computers/Tech

See Featured 16 Resources
Science360 for iPad provides easy access to engaging science and engineering images and video from around the globe and a news feed featuring breaking news from NSF-funded institutions. Content is either...  (National Science Foundation)
Computing Life looks at ways physicists, biologists, and even artists are harnessing the power of computers to advance our understanding of biology and human health. Learn how computers are used to...  (National Institutes of Health)
NSF and the Birth of the Internet is a multimedia story of the creation of the Internet. Learn about the individuals who began connecting computers in the 1960s. Listen to Vint Cerf, often referred to as "the father...  (National Science Foundation)
Computational Science Education Reference Desk provides hundreds of visualizations, tutorials, and other resources for learning about computational science and astronomy, chemistry, geography, engineering, and space. Students can...  (Multiple Agencies)
National Science Digital Library provides access to resources in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and research. From video clips teaching cell division to simulations demonstrating plate...  (National Science Foundation)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Virtual Museum features the work of a federal agency that has helped keep U.S. technology at the leading edge. Visit the online exhibits to learn about the standardization of women's clothing...  (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Cyberinfrastructure examines the convergence of three realities -- the spread of the Internet, the shrinkage of computers, and the accumulation of databases -- that has led researchers to envision a...  (National Science Foundation)
Technology reports on how a car company is experimenting with nanotechnology in the quest for environmentally friendly vehicles, how a museum exhibit (created by an artist and a scientist) helps...  (Online NewsHour, supported by National Science Foundation)
Computing describes research efforts in computer science and engineering aimed to create information systems of the future -- virtual one-on-one instruction for students of all ages, robots to...  (National Science Foundation)
Invention at Play examines how play -- the ordinary work of childhood -- connects with the creative impulse. Read about inventors of the ski, sailboard, surgical robot, unfolding structures, water...  (Smithsonian Institution)
Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecular Biology introduces students to the concepts of scale, resolution, and probe size in cellular and molecular biology. Students play the role of a medical team that has discovered a...  (National Institutes of Health)
Calculator-Controlled Robots is a guide book for using calculator-controlled robots with students in Grades 6-9 over the course of one semester. Missions are built sequentially on the knowledge of previous...  (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Your Place in Time highlights five generations of the 20th century and looks at everyday technologies that shaped each of those generations. Each exhibit is presented through a series of vignettes. The...  (Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Cyberethics for Teachers: A Lesson Plan for Teachers of Elementary and Middle School Children looks at issues in the field of computer crime, including predatory behavior and breaking into systems to vandalize and/or steal information and intellectual property. The site also...  (Department of Justice)
Fermilab LInC presents a course with 20 four-hour sessions for teacher-leaders who commit to helping other educators integrate Internet resources into the curriculum. Materials are available on...  (Department of Energy)
Ecybermission is a web-based math, science, and technology competition for teams in grades 6, 7, 8, and 9. Each team proposes a solution to a real problem in their community and competes for...  (Department of Army)

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