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California Special Interest License Plates

The following special interest license plates are available for autos, commercial vehicles, trailers, and motorcycles. Special interest plates may be ordered in sequential (standard numbering) or personalized (custom numbers/letters) configurations.

You may order most special interest license plates online or complete a Special Interest License Plate Application and mail your application to the address on the bottom of the form.

Environmental License Plates are standard design California plates that are personalized. The fees collected are used to support environmental programs.

Environmental plates can have 2-7 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected for Memorial License Plates fund scholarships for the children of Californians who died in the September 11, 2001, terror attacks and helps California’s law enforcement fight threats of terrorism in the Golden State.

Personalized Memorial plates can have 2-6 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected for the Arts Council License Plates support the California Arts Council for arts education and local arts programming. The Arts Council license plate logo is licensed to the California Arts Council and is copyrighted by Wayne Thiebaud, noted California artist.

Personalized Arts Council plates can have 2-6 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected for the Whale Tail License Plates, sponsored by the California Coastal Commission, help protect and restore the priceless resources of California’s coast and ocean. Prominent environmental artist Wyland designed the auto, commercial and trailer plates. The motorcycle plate was designed by prominent environmental artist Christopher Wormell.

Personalized Whale Tail plates can have 2-7 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected for the Collegiate License Plate fund need-based scholarships and grants for participating colleges and universities in California. The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) is currently the only plate available, and is sponsored by the UCLA Alumni Association.

Personalized Collegiate plates can have 2-6 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected from the Lake Tahoe License Plates are used by the California Tahoe Conservancy to fund preservation and restoration projects in the Lake Tahoe area.

Personalized Lake Tahoe plates can have 2-7 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected from the Yosemite Foundation License Plates are used by the Yosemite Fund to manage wildlife, restore habitat, and repair trails in Yosemite National Park.

Personalized Yosemite plates can have 2-7 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected from Firefighter License Plates are deposited in the California Firefighters’ Memorial fund; created and sponsored by the California Professional Firefighters'. The California Firefighter license plate can only be issued to a currently registered vehicle owned by an active or retired California Firefighter.

Personalized Firefighter plates can have 2-6 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected from the Kids License Plates are deposited in the Child Health and Safety Fund and used for programs that will help keep California kids safe through injury prevention efforts.

You may choose a hand, heart, star or plus sign for the sequential plate.

Personalized KIDS plates can have 2-6 characters (numbers/letters) including the choice of a symbol (hand, heart, star or plus sign). The symbol may be placed anywhere within the configuration.

The fees collected from the Olympic Training Center License Plates support the U.S. Olympic Committee's training center in San Diego. It is the largest of the three official training facilities and accommodates thousands of American athletes competing in Olympic sports.

Personalized Olympic plates can have 2-6 characters (numbers/letters).

The fees collected from the Veterans' Organizations License Plates are used by the California Department of Veterans Affairs to benefit participating county veteran service offices and to commemorate veteran organizations. Anyone can show their pride in military, national guard or reserve service, or show support for Veterans in California by displaying Veterans License Plates.

Available auto, commercial, and trailer plate logos.

Personalized Veterans plates can have 2-6 characters (numbers/letters).