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U.S. History Topics » Ethnic Groups » Asian Americans

1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii

recounts the struggle for control of Hawaii between native Hawaiians and American business interests in the late 1800s. This 1897 petition and a lobbying effort by native Hawaiians convinced the U.S. Congress not to annex the islands. But months later the U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana and the Spanish-American War began. The U.S. needed a mid-Pacific fueling station and naval base. (National Archives and Records Administration)

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Interesting Fact:

In 1893 the last monarch of Hawaii, Queen Lili'uokalani, was overthrown by a party of businessmen, who then imposed a provisional government. Soon after, President Benjamin Harrison submitted a treaty to annex the Hawaiian islands to the U.S. Senate for ratification.
Page 6 of Men's Petition Against Annexation of Hawaii, September 11, 1897

The 1897 petition

 This website also appears in:
U.S. History Topics »  States & Regions »  Others
U.S. History Topics »  Wars »  Other Wars
U.S. Time Periods »  1865-1920: Modern America » 

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