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All faculty, staff and students have a career account with 500 MB of storage. This account is yours to use for as long as you are affiliated with Purdue. You can store files in your career account home directory and access them any time, anywhere. You don't need to carry your files with you or print extra copies of your documents. Your home directory is always available.

Along with your home directory, you also have a personal web page. Inside your home directory you will find a www folder along with a sample home page.

Most students receive their Purdue career account during Day On Campus or other orientation program prior to starting school. Faculty and staff, or any student who needs to obtain their account login and password, may visit the ITaP Customer Service Center in Stewart Center room G65. You will need your Purdue photo ID for identification purposes.

To Access your Home Directory

From an ITaP lab:

  • From a Windows PC, go to the Windows Explorer and look for drive H:
  • From an Apple Mac, your career account home directory is mounted as your home directory.
  • From a Sun workstation, your career account home directory is available as an icon on the desktop.

From your personal desktop or laptop:

From your personal Windows desktop or laptop, you can access your home directory using any secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program or set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection.

Using FTP
To use FTP, you will need a secure file transfer program. Use ftp.ics.purdue.edu for the server name and log in with your Purdue career account login and password. Any secure file transfer client can be used and many are available for free by downloading from the Internet.

For more information about FTP, see: Accessing your account using File Transfer Protocol

Using VPN
The most secure way to access your personal storage space, Web pages, or to send documents to a campus printer from an off-campus location, is to set up a VPN connection. By using Purdue's VPN service, you can access resources that are only available on-campus, from anywhere. You can map your home directory to a drive on your own computer, print to a campus printer, or access course materials you might not otherwise be able to access from home. You don't necessarily have to be at home either; Purdue's VPN service can be accessed from anywhere in the world, any time of day or night.

For more information and instructions on how to set up a VPN connection, visit http://www.itap.purdue.edu/connections/vpn/
Select the link that corresponds to your operating system.

Mapping your Home directory

Once you have established a VPN connection, you will need to map your Home directory to a local drive on your desktop or laptop.

If you are on-campus (in a Residence Hall, using Purdue Airlink or ResNet Dial-up), use the server name rosetta.ics.purdue.edu.

  If using Windows:   \\rosetta.ics.purdue.edu\”login”
  If using a Macintosh:   smb://rosetta.ics.purdue.edu

If you are off-campus, use the server name offcampus.ics.purdue.edu.

  If using Windows:   \\offcampus.ics.purdue.edu\"login"
  If using a Macintosh:   smb://offcampus.ics.purdue.edu

Substitute your career account login for “login”.

UNIX Access

UNIX can also be used to access your home directory. Your career account login and password can be used to log in to expert.ics.purdue.edu using a program that supports Secure Shell (SSH) , giving you access to a variety of tools, including the ability to access your MySQL database account.

Getting Help
The answer to your question might be in ITaP's Knowledgebase. If you still need assistance, please contact the ITaP Customer Service Center by phone at (765)494-4000, via email at itap@purdue.edu or by visiting STEW G65.