flag Sweden

www.oecd.org/sweden is a one-stop-shop for OECD reports and statistics on Sweden. Browse the documents in chronological order or by topic (e.g. economy, trade, development, environment, energy, social issues).

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Economic Survey of Sweden 2008


Thanks to strong economic institutions and fundamentals, Sweden is relatively well prepared to steer through the fall-out from the global financial crisis and the economic downturn. Looking ahead, the key policy challenges addressed in this Survey include longer-term fiscal sustainability and growth-oriented tax reforms, education and youth employment, as well as privatisation.

OECD Economic Outlook No. 84 - Sweden

pdf,24Kb,English |  View long abstract


Summary of economic developments and projections for Sweden taken from the latest OECD Economic Outlook.

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008: Profile of Sweden

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This country profile highlights the strengths and challenges for science and technology performance and describes recent policy responses.

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008: Profile of Sweden

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This country profile highlights the strengths and challenges for science and technology performance and describes recent policy responses.

Denmark, Sweden still the highest-tax OECD countries


Denmark is confirmed as the OECD’s highest-tax country, followed by Sweden, while Mexico and Turkey remain the lowest-taxing countries, according to figures in the latest edition of the OECD’s annual Revenue Statistics publication.

International Migration Outlook 2008: Sweden country note

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This country note together with a standardised table describes recent trends in migration movements and policies.

Education at a Glance 2008 Briefing Note - Sweden

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This note contrasts key findings for Sweden with global trends among OECD countries, under the headings: quantity and quality challenges, resource and efficiency challenges and equity challenges.

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