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www.oecd.org/spain is a one-stop-shop for OECD reports and statistics on Spain. Browse the documents in chronological order or by topic.

Para leer una selección de noticias, publicaciones y documentos en español sobre América Latina, visite el Centro OCDE en México.

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OECD Economic Outlook No. 84 - Spain

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Summary of economic developments and projections for Spain taken from the latest OECD Economic Outlook.

Economic Survey of Spain 2008


The main challenges facing the Spanish economy are to minimise the economic costs of the current downturn, move workers shed to new jobs, and to raise sustainable productivity growth including by improving human capital formation and competition in product markets.

OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and Spain: Report on Progress of the implementation of the Phase 2 Recommendations since March 2006

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Follow-up Report on the Implementation by Spain of the Phase 2 Recommendations on the Application of the OECD Convention and the 1997 Revised Recommendation on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials ...

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008: Profile of Spain

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This country profile highlights the strengths and challenges for science and technology performance and describes recent policy responses.

Spain strengthens support for Centre's Latin America and Africa work


The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation will support the Development Centre’s Latin America and Africa desks with a grant worth €450,000.  The signature of the Memorandum of Understanding pledging this voluntary contribution took place on the occasion of the visit by the Spanish Ambassador to the OECD, Cristina Narbona, to the Centre.

International Migration Outlook 2008: Spain country note

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This country note together with a standardised table describes recent trends in migration movements and policies.

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