flag Portugal

www.oecd.org/portugal is a one-stop-shop for OECD reports and statistics on Portugal. Browse the documents in chronological order or by topic (e.g. economy, trade, development, environment, energy, social issues).

What's new

OECD commends Portugal for progress in implementing reforms in tertiary education


OECD countries have commended Portugal for progress made towards modernising its tertiary education system. Over the past three years, the Portuguese government has implemented reforms to encourage institutions to be more responsive to the needs of society and the economy. These give institutions more autonomy and room for manoeuvre but require them, in return, to be more clearly accountable to society.

OECD Economic Outlook No. 84 - Portugal

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Summary of economic developments and projections for Portugal taken from the latest OECD Economic Outlook.

Helping immigrants and their children find work should be a priority, says OECD


Immigrants in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal are more likely to be unemployed or doing a job for which they are overqualified than people born in that country. Their children, even if born in the country and having left school with qualifications, also find it hard to find work, according to a new OECD report.

Open Plan Schools in Portugal: Failure or Innovation?

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Open plan schools have been largely contested in Portugal. Recently however the Escola da Ponte, one of the open plan schools that has survived, was recognised as one of the country’s most innovative educational facilities.

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008: Profile of Portugal

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This country profile highlights the strengths and challenges for science and technology performance and describes recent policy responses.

New publication: Territorial Review of Portugal


The OECD Territorial Review of Portugal assesses the importance of regional policy for Portugal and discusses regional policy as a tool to enhance the country's competitiveness in a context of ambitious reforms and fiscal consolidation. It also offers suggestions for reforming the country's governance of regional policy.

International Conference on Regional Policy around the World

on 29-Sep-2008

Government leaders, policy makers and practitioners discussed the impact of regional policy, present and future perspectives, at an international conference on “Regional Policy around the World”, held in Porto, Portugal, 29 September 2008. This conference was organised by the Portuguese Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, in co-operation with the OECD. On this occasion the report “OECD Territorial Review of Portugal” was officially launched.

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