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www.oecd.org/france is a one-stop-shop for OECD reports and statistics on France. Browse the documents in chronological order or by topic (e.g. economy, trade, development, environment, energy, social issues).

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OECD Economic Outlook No. 84 - France

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Summary of economic developments and projections for France taken from the latest OECD Economic Outlook.

Joint OECD-World Bank Conference on Innovation and Sustainable Growth in a Globalised World

from 18-Nov-2008 to 19-Nov-2008

Innovation is crucial to long-term economic growth. Making innovation-driven growth happen requires action on a wide range of policy areas, from education and science and technology to product and labour markets and trade. OECD and the World Bank are joining forces to work more closely on innovation, particularly insofar as this issue is a crucial factor in the success of development policy, notably in middle income market economies.

Helping immigrants and their children find work should be a priority, says OECD


Immigrants in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal are more likely to be unemployed or doing a job for which they are overqualified than people born in that country. Their children, even if born in the country and having left school with qualifications, also find it hard to find work, according to a new OECD report.

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008: Profile of France

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This country profile highlights the strengths and challenges for science and technology performance and describes recent policy responses.

Growing Unequal 2008 - Country note: France

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This note presents key findings related to income inequality and poverty for France, with global trends among OECD countries.

OECD news conference to present report on trends in incomes and poverty, “Growing Unequal?”, Tuesday 21 October

on 21-Oct-2008

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría, together with Martin Hirsch, Haut Commissaire aux Solidarités Actives contre la Pauvreté, and Professor Sir Anthony Atkinson, Research Professor, Oxford University, will present “Growing Unequal?” at a news conference at 09.00 a.m. on Tuesday 21 October at OECD headquarters in Paris.

Migration policies of health professionals in France


This report (Health Working Paper No. 36) examines health workforce demographics in France, together with recent trends in migration policies regarding health professionals. It also analyses workforce planning and the possible role of the recruitment of foreign health workers in coming years.

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