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 Saturday, January 17, 2009
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  Author: GIMENEZ
PubID: ANR-1296
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ANR-1296 Small Ruminant Pocket Guide

Small Ruminant Pocket Guide


Sheep and goat production has the potential to become an economically viable option for small, full-time farmers and the growing number of part-time farmers throughout the United States, particularly in the Southeast. This pocket guide is intended as an aid to basic management practices in today’s sheep and goat business. To develop a guide to meet the needs of every producer’s operation would be an impossible undertaking; however, the recommendations and guidelines suggested in this guide should address most producers’ questions and concerns about operating a profitable sheep and goat enterprise.

The authors do not assume any responsibility, make any guarantees, or offer any warranties regarding the results obtained from the use of any of the management practices or suggestions made in this guide.

The following authors contributed to this guide:

Robert Ebert, Extension Animal Scientist Youth/4-H, Auburn University

Diego M. Gimenez, Extension Specialist, Associate Professor, Animal Science Management and Reproduction, Auburn University

Chris Kerth, Associate Professor, Meat Science, Auburn University

Nada K. Nadarajah, Research Fellow, Breeding and Genetics, Auburn University

Darrell L. Rankins, Extension Specialist, Associate Professor, Ruminant Nutrition, Auburn University

Susan Schoenian, Regional Agent Extension Specialist, University of Maryland Cooperative Extension

Acknowledgments: The contributing authors wish to thank others for the contribution made to this pocket guide:

  • Alabama Sheep and Goat Checkoff Program
  • The Alabama Farmers Federation Meat Goat and Sheep Division, Mitt Walker, Director
  • Alabama Meat Goat and Sheep Producers
  • Glenda Freeman, Extension Communications Editor
  • D. Ross Heck, Part-time Extension Art Designer



Management Calendar


  • Physiological Values and Reproductive Parameters

  • Estimating Age

  • Space Requirements for Sheep and Goats

  • Equipment for Lambing or Kidding

  • Minimum Recommended Scrotal Circumference

  • Normal Semen Quality

  • Ratio of Ewes per Ram or Does per Buck

  • Gestation Table

  • Stages of Lambing and Kidding

  • Causes of Poor Reproductive Performance

  • Orphan and Rejected Newborns

  • Biosecurity

  • Implementation of Biosecurity


  • Common Forages in Alabama

  • Daily Nutrient Requirements for Goats

  • Nutrient Composition of Various Feedstuffs

  • Weights for Common Feedstuffs

  • Mineral Requirements of Sheep and Goats

  • Flushing Ewes and Does

  • Feeding Lambs or Kids

  • Feed Additives

  • Body Condition Scores

Selection of Genetics for Meat Production in Goats and Sheep

  • Introduction

  • Genetic Improvement

  • Breeds for Meat Production

  • Types of Record Keeping Systems

  • Selection and Culling of Animals

  • Selection of Bucks and Rams for Breeding

  • Selection of Replacement Does and Ewes

  • Crossbreeding and Heterosis

  • Tips for Producers

  • Sample Record Forms

  • Appendix


  • Drugs to Control Internal Parasites

  • Drugs to Treat and Control External Parasites

  • Products to Control External Parasites

  • Vaccines

Breeding Animal Evaluation

  • Terms

  • Structural Correctness

  • Size

  • Volume and Capacity

  • Muscling

  • Sex Character

  • Breed Character

Carcasses and Cuts of Lambs and Goats

  • General Information

  • Processing Losses

  • Classification of Lamb Carcasses

  • Classification of Goat Carcasses

  • Other Selection Criteria

  • Styles of Goat Carcasses

State of Alabama Resources

Livestock Markets

Meat Goat and Sheep Personnel

ANR-1296, Revised October 2008

Trade names are used only to give specific information. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System does not endorse or guarantee any product and does not recommend one product instead of another that might be similar.
Trade and brand names used in this publication are given for information purposes only. No guarantee, endorsement, or discrimination among comparable products is intended or implied by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

For more information, contact your county Extension office. Visit or look in your telephone directory under your county's name to find contact information.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, and other related acts, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) offers educational programs, materials, and equal opportunity employment to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.
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