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    and Organizational Performance


    Keynote Speakers and Workshop Presenters

    Facilitation, Coaching and Consulting Services

    Natural Resource Policy Analysis and Design Workshops

    Finding Certified Educators in your Area



    Getting Results

    Over 18 months, a tourism business went from facing $600k in debt to $180,000 in the black after implementing Holistic Management® Financial Planning.

    An office furniture custom design firm used Holistic Management to survive a difficult year and establish a plan for growth with better team focus.


    Establishing a holistic goal for your organization enables managers and employees/constituents to consistently make decisions that reflect your mission and values. With a holistic approach to decision making, your business can achieve the “triple bottom line” of financial, social and environmental soundness.

    Holistic Management® Certified Educators with training and consulting experience in corporate, small business and community arenas can help bring clearer goals, improved planning and stronger group “buy-in” to your enterprise.


    See what Holistic Management® can do for your organization.

    • Enjoy greater efficiencies and improved performance.
    • Decision makers at all levels remain “on plan.”
    • Leadership, employees and other group members share consensus on how work and lives can and should be shaped.
    • Financial planning becomes more enjoyable and participatory.
    • Decision makers, managers and staff have the planning tools they need to optimize natural resources while achieving social good and staying on budget.


    Keynote Speakers and Workshop Presenters

    Facilitation, Coaching and Consulting Services

    Natural Resource Policy Analysis and Design Workshops

    Finding Certified Educators in your Area


    For information, please contact
    Holistic Management® International (505) 842-5252
    Or email: hmi@holisticmanagement.org