List Founders Win Cowgill, JoeCostante, Jon Clements

Apple-Crop E-mail Discussion Group




Search the Apple-Crop Archives October 1996 -- March 1998

Search the Apple-Crop Archives -- 22-October 2006 to present




The apple-crop electronic mail group was formed to allow pomologists to better communicate on all aspects of apple production, marketing and related topics. Subscribing to this list is free and is a privilege. The goal of this discussion group is to provide a forum which will foster the exchange of information between University researchers, Extension agents and specialists, students, commercial apple growers, wholesalers/brokers, retailers and direct marketers of apples.

The apple-crop discussion forum has the potential to strengthen communications between commercial producers of apples and the scientific and education community. Discussion relating to all aspects of apple production from cultivar selection, tree growth and performance, rootstock development and testing to the development of sustainable production systems is welcome. Research briefs and abstracts are also welcome along with new technology developments. News articles are invited, particularly local items from your region

.Apple-crop now hosts over 500 participants from apple producing regions all over the world. On-line discussion happens in spurts when a topic of interest is posted. Your input is always welcome. We have been pleased with the activity on apple-crop but any communications tool is only as good as we make it.

To subscribe to apple-crop, send an e-mail message to with the words 'subscribe apple-crop' in the BODY of the message. You will receive a confirmation of your subscription request. To unsubscribe, send e-mail to with the words 'unsubscribe apple-crop' in the BODY of the message. To post a message to apple-crop, send e-mail to with your message in the body of the e-mail. (You must be subscribed to apple-crop in order to post.) Your message will automatically be distributed to all members of the list.

Housekeeping Rules: everything—including this list—needs a few rules to operate by.

1) Requested and expected of all members who post to this list—use a signature box that contains the following:

2) Everyone on this list deserves to be treated with respect. All posts should avoid personalities and be free of disparaging remarks. There is no room for mean-spirited posts on this list.

3) Violation of our few housekeeping rules will not be tolerated. The list owners are the final say in all issues related to list policy.


Virtual Orchard