Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association

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MFGA Annual/Winter Meeting and UMass Extension Fruit Education Program

January 15, 2009

UMass Cold Spring Orchard, Belchertown, MA

9 AM to 3 PM

Pesticide re-certification credits

Program Details


Pre-registration (by January 9)


Mass. Fruit Growers Assoc.
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New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference
Massachusetts Fruit Facts
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Welcome to the Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association

The Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association (MFGA) is a proponent of fruit growing in Massachusetts and New England. It's membership consists of commercial and hobby fruit growers, industry personnel, extension and university personnel, and other interested persons.

According to it's By-Laws, the mission of the MFGA is "to encourage the growing and marketing of fruits adapted to this climate and all pertaining thereto."

The New England Vegetable & Berry Growers Association, the Massachusetts Fruit Growers' Association, and the New England University Cooperative Extensions host the biennial New England Vegetable & Fruit Conference in Manchester, NH during the month of December (2005, 2007, 2009, etc.).

December 12, 2007, marked the Association's 113th Annual Meeting during the New England Vegetable & Fruit Conference at the Center of New Hampshire Radisson Hotel, Manchester, NH. At the Annual Meeting, Officers and Directors for 2008 were elected.

MFGA supports the fruit industry by:

  • publishing an annual Proceedings of the New England Fruit Meeting
  • supporting USApple, the national trade association for the U.S. apple industry
  • and managing a research fund for the UMass Cold Spring Orchard

Fruit growers are urged to join MFGA and support the local fruit industry.


Mass. Fruit Growers Assoc. | Press Releases | Member Directory | New England Fruit Meetings | Massachusetts Fruit Facts | Contact or Join | Research/Extension | Members Only

Questions? Contact: Jon Clements

or Wes Autio