Purdue Terrestrial Observatory (PTO)

Gilbert Rochon
Gilbert L. Rochon, Ph.D., MPH

The focus of the Purdue Terrestrial Observatory (PTO) is to facilitate and engage in state-of-the-science, cutting-edge research and applications, including high-performance computing applications, high-bandwidth remotely-sensed data transfer, parallelizing code for image analysis, data fusion, data mining, knowledge-based classification, signal processing, spatial/temporal geomorphology relationships, and advanced visualization functions, including immersive environments, virtual worlds, and decision support informed by virtual exploration of the archival remotely-sensed data, with on-the-fly change detection, and generation of alternative what-if future scenarios. Calibration and ground truthing is enabled by in-situ imaging spectrometers, radiometers, acoustic signature devices, ground penetrating radar, laboratory analysis of biogenic and anthropogenic surface features and for specialized applications, ultra wide band analyzers.


Satellite Image of Purdue