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  • Fundamentals of Holistic Management®

    When land is under Holistic Management®, land managers manage the relationships between land, grazing animals, and water in ways that mimic nature. The first step in managing holistically is the establishment of a clear, encompassing goal that embraces all desired outcomes and expresses the will and commitment of those who will be involved in achieving it.
    Every significant planning and monitoring decision is tested against this holisticgoal.

    The cornerstones of managing holistically are:

    1. Financial Planning
    2. Grazing Planning
    3. Land Planning
    4. Biological Monitoring

    Making a Healthy Profit: Holistic Management® Financial Planning

    Holistic Management® Financial Planning enables land managers to:

    • Plan for and produce a profit.
    • Determine what enterprises to run.
    • Know what to spend money on and when.
    • Meet financial challenges effectively.
    • Coordinate the build up of both livestock and infrastructure while remaining profitable.

    Getting Animals to the Right Place at the Right Time for the Right Reasons: Holistic Management® Grazing Planning

    Holistic Management® Grazing Planning enables land managers to:

    • Simultaneously maximize stocking rate and improve land health and productivity.
    • Use livestock to improve the health of land and increase profit.
    • Coordinate three primary land management tools (rest, grazing, animal impact)
      to grow more pasture.
    • Maximize the harvest of sunlight by managing stocking rate, time, stock density and herd effect.
    • Make the best plan for the season ahead.
    • Meet grazing and pasture production challenges effectively.

    Designing the Ideal Property Plan: Holistic Management®

    Land Planning

    Holistic Management® Land Planning shows land managers:

    • How to design infrastructure to control animal movement across the land and manage the role of time in grazing and trampling .
    • How land planning (along with financial and grazing planning) advances your holisticgoal.
    • How to design an ideal land plan.
    • How financial planning and grazing planning determine the order and timing of infrastructure development.

    Assessing Land Health & Productivity: Holistic Management®

    Biological Monitoring

    Holistic Management® Biological Monitoring shows land managers:

    • Simple and effective monitoring techniques.
    • How to cultivate an awareness of the four ecosystem processes.
    • How to predict changes and trends on the land.
    • How to monitor plant growth rates, water supplies, unfavorable grazing patterns.
    • The importance of monitoring the land’s performance along with animal performance.
    • Why to assume our actions on the ecosystem processes could be wrong.
    • What criteria to monitor that will give the earliest warnings of adverse change.