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    For additional information, course listings, schedules and locations
    call (505)-842-5252 or email: hmi@holisticmanagement.org

    Introductory courses

    (photo: man in field)For people new to Holistic Management® or those who want to improve the health of their land and increase profits, we recommend these introductory courses as the first step. These courses and others are also a requirement for anyone considering becoming a Certified Educator.

    We are offering the following short courses in winter 2009:

    These are all scheduled to be held in Abilene, Texas. To register for these courses, please click here.


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    Introduction to Holistic Management®: Whole Farm / Ranch Planning
    You will learn:

    • Key insights to help you work with Nature
    • Management and decision-making skills to enhance productivity
    • How to hone in on your unfair advantage as a producer
    • New ways to motivate your work force
    • Effective time management and team building practices

    Holistic Financial Planning
    You will learn:

    • Effective ways to increase profit and decrease expenses
    • A method to determine which enterprises will yield the greatest return
    • Proven methods to effectively plan and pay for infrastructure
    • New ways to motivate your work force to increase profit
    • How to build your herd / flock strategically and profitably

    Holistic Grazing Planning
    You will learn:

    • Innovative grazing planning techniques for maximizing stocking rate and improving land health
    • Practical management guidelines for increasing land productivity
    • A new perspective on overgrazing and over-rest and their effects on your land

    Holistic Land Health Monitoring
    You will learn:

    • Simple and effective biological monitoring techniques
    • New approaches to gaining support from environmental groups and government agencies
    • New ways to work with Nature (including wildlife) to create the results you need and want

    Holistic Facility Planning for Profit
    You will learn:

    • How to invest in fencing, water, corrals, and other infrastructure so it pays for itself
    • How to improve your land management through strategic planning
    • Ways to develop your land with future generations in mind


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