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Personal Webpage

All Purdue University faculty, staff, and students can publish a personal web page. A www folder and sample index.html file were placed in your Purdue Home Directory when your account was created. Your web page address is http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~login/ where "login" is your Purdue Career Account login. Any files that you would like to use as part of your web page should be placed in your www folder.

For policies regarding content on web pages at Purdue University, see Policy for Purdue Pages on the World Wide Web.

Accessing your personal webpage
Your www folder is located on your Purdue Home Directory. To access your Purdue Home Directory:

In an ITaP computer lab:
On an ITaP lab PC, your home directory is located on drive H in Windows Explorer.

On an ITaP lab Mac, double-click the Macintosh HD icon to open it, then select your career account login to access your home directory.

From a personal computer:
See How do I access my Purdue Home Directory from my personal computer?.

To edit your web page
To edit your web page, open the index.html file with any web page editing software. Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe Contribute are available on all ITaP lab PCs. Macromedia Dreamweaver is also available on all ITaP lab Macs.

About the web.ics.purdue.edu Web server

The following versions of software are available on the web.ics.purdue.edu web server: Apache 2.2.4, PHP, mod_perl 2.0.2, MySQL 5.0.45. You can create a MySQL account for database use.

The web server does not support ASP, VBSCRIPT, or FrontPage extensions.

Getting Help
For information about using HTML, see one of the following resources: The answer to your question might be in ITaP's Knowledgebase. If you still need assistance, please contact the ITaP Customer Service Center at (764)494-4000, via email at itap@purdue.edu or by visiting STEW G65.