NOAA B-Roll || Media Contacts || PDF Version
NOAA Space Environment Center B-Roll
Released October 1998

For copies: Video Transfer Inc., (301) 881-0270
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NOAA Space Environment Center, Boulder, Colo.
Exterior: building
Exterior: Satellite dishes
Exterior: Observatory dome turning
Interior: Observatory dome turning
Interior: Solar telescope
Interior: Solar telescope in operation (with operator)

(Operator positioning projected light from telescope
onto solar drawing paper)

Hand drawing on paper
Interview: Joe Hirman
(...many varieties of space weather storms)
(Keyed behind Hirman = image of solar "arcade" event)

Interview: Gary Heckman
Senior Space Weather Forecaster, Space Environment Center

(...explanation of magnetic field and aurora borealis)
(Cutaways: animation of Earth's magnetic field
video of aurora borealis

Aurora borealis video continues (from previous cutaway)

NOAA Space Weather Operations Center
Space Environment Center, Boulder, Colo.

Wide shot of area, forecasters on phone

  • closeups of forecasters, onscreen images.
  • Soundbite underneath: Joe Hirman

Recording of solar indicies
Forecaster at computer

Images from SOHO Spacecraft

"Fast" Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) 11/5/97
Soundbite underneath: Gary Heckman
"Halo" Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) 4/7/97
Solar arcade event 5/12/97
Simulation of Magnetic Storm 1/10-11/97
Animation: The SOHO Spacecraft

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce.
Last Updated: March 10, 2004 4:30 PM