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Blackboard: Building Course Content Using Templates

If you are creating a new course or redesigning an old course in Blackboard, a new IDC Course Content Template is an excellent option to consider. When you use the Course Content Template, you don’t have to start your course development from a blank course space anymore. Served as a course content container, it is built with basic course elements for your course content, including syllabus, content pages for learning modules, an introductory activity, and more.

Screenshots of the Course Content Template are available at https://web.ics.purdue.edu/idc/materials/demo/index.html for those who would like to preview the tool.

Prerequisites : Blackboard: Getting Started or equivalent experience

Date :
January 20, 2009

Time :
08:30 - 10:20 AM

Technical Requirement :
Spaces Remaining: 26
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