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Stephen Gliessman picture
Under the direction of Dr. Stephen R. Gliessman, the Agroecology Research Group at UCSC applies agroecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable food systems. This interdisciplinary group is comprised of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, research associates, postdoctoral researchers, and occasional international visitors from the broader agroecological community. Participatory action research (PAR) and action education approaches are used to build relationships in the food system that foster change and the transition to sustainability. The undergraduate residential action-education Program in Community and Agroecology (PICA) and the non-profit organization Community Agroecology Network (CAN) are both involved in the work of the Agroecology Research Group. The Research Group has offices at a growing demonstration site for Sustainable Living technologies and activities at the University of California, Santa Cruz. The site is also the location for the group's annual International Agroecology Shortcourse, seminars and workshops in agroecology, and community related events.



Research associates

Dr. Joji Muramoto

Dr. Hollis Waldon


graduate students

Roseann Cohen

Nicholas Babin

Kathleen Hilimire



Hilary Melcarek

Dorothy Overpeck

Carlo Moreno

Devon Sampson




Dr. Christopher M. Bacon

Dr. Ariane de Bremond

Dr. Erle Ellis

Dr. Eric Holt-Gimenez

Dr. Phillip Fujiyoshi


Dr. Carlos Guadarrama-Zugasti

Dr. V. Ernesto Méndez

Dr. Laura Trujillo

Dr. Robert Sirrine

Dr. Wesley Colvin


visiting researchers

Dr. Avaz Koocheki

Dr. Rodrigo Matta-Machado