• Solving Global Climate Change by Healing Land
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  • HMI’s “Another Gigaton of Carbon” Campaign: Solving Global Climate Change by Healing Land.

    Please click here to support this 3-Year effort to remove a billion tons of carbon from the atmosphere by getting more land under Holistic Management®.


    A gigaton equals a billion tons.

    That’s 12% of the planet’s carbon emissions, according to the EPA. Help us get another 10 million acres under Holistic Management over the next three years — and sequester another gigaton of CO2 as organic matter in healthy soil. Because donations are reinvested in training more land stewards to increase soil health and sequester carbon, your donation is money in the “Bank of Personal Carbon Credit.” Make a serious impact by joining with other concerned global citizens.


    CO2 reduction is one benefit among many

    Holistic Management® International (HMI) helps agriculturalists, environmentalists and like-minded land stewards to heal damaged land and / or maximize the productivity of healthy land. We implement and teach proven holistic methods for increasing soil health and improving biodiversity, which yields a “triple bottom line” of sustainable environmental, economic and social benefits.


    A solution to climate change Is right under our feet

    Among other benefits, managing land holistically ultimately results in the removal of carbon from the atmosphere. As such, it offers an incredibly powerful, natural solution to the problem of global warming.

    Healthy grasslands mean more carbon removed from the atmosphere.

    Our holistic approach to land management is proven to heal desertified land in brittle environments. If we simply create another 10 million acres of healthy grasslands by placing desertified lands under Holistic Management, those grasses will remove a gigaton of carbon from the atmosphere and store it naturally as organic matter in healthy soil.

    Holistic animal and land management means still more carbon reduction.

    By maximizing the healthy impacts of grazing cattle, Holistic Management® eliminates the need for the standard practice of burning crop and forage residues. That burning currently sends carbon directly into the atmosphere. If we convert just 4 million acres of land that’s operating under the traditional, conventional model to holistically managed land – so that residue isn’t burned – that’s even more carbon that doesn’t go up in the air.


    Properly managed, grazing animals actually reverse desertification, and greatly increase the soil’s ability to hold CO2

    Holistic Management makes it possible to use animals to improve, rather than degrade, land. Grazing animals and grassland co-evolved. Domestic animals can be managed in ways that mimic nature: animals are concentrated and moved according to a plan (Holistic Management® planned grazing) that causes the animals to till packed soil with their hooves, distribute fertilizer and seed in their manure and urine, and move from one area to another before thay can overgraze any one spot. In fact, the animals help maintain the soil, rather than destroying it, and increase the amount of organic matter in the soil, making it function as a highly effective carbon bank.


    Putting CO2 in the soil – and keeping it there.


    Seven things you can do to help

    1. Support Holistic Management International’s outreach efforts to educate others about the need for animals to improve land health and sequester carbon. Contribute to the Another Gigaton of Carbon Campaign.

    2. Buy locally grown organic produce and grassfed meat & dairy.

    3. Buy carbon credits for all your personal fuel emissions.

    4. Vote with your dollars. Invest in products that conserve resources (water conserving appliances, on-demand water heaters, photovoltaics, etc.)

    5. Support low-tech solutions for getting carbon out of the air and high-tech solutions for keeping new carbon from getting in the air.

    6. Reduce your ecological footprint. Learn how at: www.ecologicalfootprint.org

    7. Increase your ecological literacy. Learn how we can develop symbiotic relationships with Nature so all may thrive.


    Why Holistic Management works: grasslands
    and grazing animals co-evolved.

    The land on the right is under Holistic Management. The land on the left is not.
    The areas on the left and right receive exactly the same amount of rain.

    What you see here is the result of managed animal impact. With Holistic Management® planned grazing, animals can be made to mimic their role in nature.

    Hooves and manure accomplish what mechanical tilling and petrochemical fertilizers cannot: healthy, diverse grassland with abundant root systems and improved soil infrastructure that makes highly effective use of existing rainfall.

    Holistic Management also eliminates agricultural burning, preventing the release of even more CO2. And look at the difference in erosion: compare the severely eroded, conventionally managed riverbank on the left to the lush Holistically Managed bank on the right. All that shrubbery and grass means abundant root systems and healthy soil infrastructure underground — root systems and soil infrastucture that sequester CO2.

    Holistic Management has been proven: HM can actually reverse desertification, even in areas that receive little rain. Properly managed, grazing animals can help us control global climate change. You can help.


    Please click here to support this 3-Year effort to remove a billion tons of carbon from the atmosphere by getting more land under Holistic Management®.

    Severe global climate change isn’t inevitable.The future depends on the choices we make today. Thank you.