Illinois Sustainable Technology Center - University of Illinois


The Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) is your link to quality pollution prevention information, research and expertise. GLRPPR has assisted thousands of industries, organizations, small businesses and citizens within the Great Lakes Region to locate quality information and resources about compliance and pollution prevention. GLRPPR and its members are working together to make a cleaner tomorrow for the Great Lakes Region.

GLRPPR Services include:

  • Specialized information searches
  • Quarterly newsletter
  • Information clearinghouse
  • Resource materials for small businesses
  • Contacts and expert referrals
  • Calendar of events
  • Trainings and conferences
  • Networking opportunities
  • Listservs

GLRPPR Membership:

Members of GLRPPR include individuals from local, state, provincial and federal programs, business, industry and educational institutions that promote pollution prevention. GLRPPR serves the Great Lakes Region (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, Ohio, Ontario, and Pennsylvania).

Membership to GLRPPR is open to anyone interested in pollution prevention and compliance activities. Basic Membership is free although nominal fees may be charged for specific GLRPPR activities.

For more information on GLRPPR or to become a member of GLRPPR contact:

Bob Iverson
GLRPPR Executive Director
1 Hazelwood Dr
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-8946