This website will be continuously changing to accommodate the needs of the association and you. Please visit us often to track our progress. We'd like to hear from you - drop us an e-mail and let us know what you think. 

Sharon Krebs
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer


 FDA Blue Bird Labels Minimize
Click HERE to go to the FDA site for Blue Bird Label information.


Please visit FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine for the latest news on the recent Pet Food recalls.

For additional information on regulating pet foods, click here.

Questions and Answers Concerning Pet Food Regulations


The term AAFCO stands for the Association of American Feed Control Officials. A basic goal of AAFCO is to provide a mechanism for developing and implementing uniform and equitable laws, regulations, standards and enforcement policies for regulating the manufacture, distribution and sale of animal feeds; resulting in safe, effective, and useful feeds. The Association thereby promotes new ideas and innovative procedures and urges their adoption by member agencies, for uniformity.

Purpose and Function of AAFCO:

The purpose of the corporation shall be to establish and maintain an Association through which officials of any state, dominion, federal or other governmental agency and employees thereof charged with a responsibility in enforcing the laws regulating the production, labeling, distribution, or sale of animal feeds or livestock remedies may unite to explore the problems encountered in administering such laws, to develop just and equitable standards, definitions and policies to be followed in enforcing such laws, to promote uniformity in such laws, regulations and enforcement policies, and to cooperate with members of the industry producing such products in order to promote the effectiveness and usefulness of such products.

Message from AAFCO's Immediate Past President, Andy Gray, with an update on the state of AAFCO.

Click HERE to download the PDF

AFSS Brochure:

The US Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine has created a colorful brochure that describes the Center's Animal Feed Safety System (AFSS) Initiative. The initiative was developed to analyze the current regulatory feed safety system; identify gaps in it; and develop ways to address those gaps. The brochure gives an overview of the AFSS initiative; explains where to find more information about it; and describes what the AFSS initiative will mean to feed manufacturers, animal producers, and others.

Click HERE to view the brochure.

AAFCO 2009 Official Publication:

The 2009 AAFCO Official Publication is now available! Click here to see the Table of Contents for the Official Publication (PDF format). Click here for an invoice for the 2009 Official Publication.

Addition to Policy 27:

At the Annual AAFCO Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the membership approved the addition of chews made from pig snouts to Policy 27. This addition was inadvertently left out of the 2008 Official Publiation. Policy 27 can be found on pages 184-185 of the 2008 AAFCO Official Publication.

Position Available:

Agricultural Regulatory Specialist (SM527520) position is available with the Division of Regulatory Services on the University of Kentucky campus.  Please click HERE to view information about this job and how to apply.  This posting will remain open until September 21, 2009.

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