Responsible for administering and enforcing the
Indiana Seed Law through product inspection, sampling
and testing to determine compliance with the provisions of the Act.

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Office of Indiana State Chemist © Copyright - 2008
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The Office of the Indiana State Seed Commissioner is responsible for administering and enforcing the Indiana Seed Law, IC 15-4-1 through product inspection, sampling and testing to determine compliance with the provisions of the Act.

The Department is a member of the Association of American Seed Control Officials (AASCO) and the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA). The Indiana Seed Law is modeled after the Recommended Uniform State Seed Law (RUSSL), created by AASCO to serve as a "model" law to promote uniformity in state and federal seed legislation.

Indiana Seed Permit Indiana Seed Law Seasonal Issues & Concerns
Quarterly Distribution Report Seed Arbitration Law State Seed Laboratory Staff
Annual Registration Form Legume Inoculant & Plant Growth Substances Law USDA-APHIS Biotechnology Regulatory Services Administrative Order
Certificate of Origin Form Inspections Under Seed
Contracts Law
Service Sample Request Form Standards for Seed and Seed Labeling Roundup Ready Alfalfa
Indiana Seedsman's Handbook Purpose of Law    
A Guide to Testing, Labeling & Tolerances Indiana Arbitration Council    
Record Keeping Requirements for Seedsmen How to File for Complaint Arbitration    
2007 Seed Inspectional Activities Summary Seed Performance Complaint Form (Request for Seed Arbitration)
Overview of Seed Regulatory Program        
Service Sample Testing Program        
USDA Cooperative Enforcement Agreement        
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