Michael Fields Agricultural Institute

News and EventsEvent calendar

Welcome Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun to our Board of Directors!
Michael Fields Agricultural Institute announces the appointment of Ambassador Braun, Founder and President of Good Food Organics™, to its Board of Directors. “Ambassador Braun will be our seventh board member, and I think she will add a new dimension to our already lively board discussions,” said Ron Doetch, Executive Director, MFAI. Read More

20th Annual Organic Farming Conference February 26-28, 2009 | Including Organic University!
La Crosse, WI
Biodynamics Ideas Any Farmer Can Use
Saturday I - 8:30am
The Biodynamic method is one of the original organized approaches to organic and sustainable agriculture dating back to 1924.

Open the Biodynamic Tool Box with the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute's Janet Gamble and biodynamic farmer Jim Fullmer to learn about the strategies commonly utilized by the Biodynamic farmer to achieve the development of a living farm organism as well as the short term and long term advantages of this approach. Check out the MOSES (Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service) Conference page to learn more.

There is always something new cooking at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute. Keep abreast of events and announcements by reading the Fields Report and the Event calendar.

Fields Report

This new bi-monthly newsletter from Michael Fields Agricultural Institute includes news you can use. Whether it's information about our cooking and gardening classes or the latest on state and national food and agriculture issues, you will find it here.

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Latest issue: August 2008

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