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Western SARE - About Us

About Western SARE

Greetings from the Coordinator

No Till PhilSince 1988, the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program has been breathing life into agricultural profitability, environmental integrity and community strength. We now are approaching our 20th year as a living, breathing, thriving program. As Western SARE Regional Coordinator at the host institution, Utah State University, I have been, and remain, privileged to work with hundreds of people engaged in sustaining Western agriculture - farmers and ranchers and people from universities, agribusiness, government and nonprofit organizations.

Our goal is to foster sustainability through grants that enable cutting-edge research and education to open windows on sustainability across the West. Another goal has been to administer the program fairly and equitably. As we approach our 20th anniversary, I feel confident in saying that we can "stand on our record" for both.

Western SARE headquarters at USU recently underwent a complete Administrative Review with emphasis on subcontracts. In addition, 2006 brought a review of our administrative effectiveness. The successful completion and associated accolades marked a fitting end to 18 years of successful grant operations by Western SARE (15 by USU). We look forward to another decade of growth and measurable outcomes in the years ahead.

SARE competitive grants fund research and education cultivating agricultural practices that are profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities. What Is SARE?

SARE supports research and education projects that strive for positive impacts on agriculture and address national and regional goals. SARE Goals.

Western SARE is governed by an Administrative Council that oversees funding and develops policies and strategies, much like a corporate board of directors. Meet our Administrative Council.

Sustainability in agriculture embraces all farming and ranching - from small to large, from narrowly focused to highly diversified. At all times, it shuns labels that polarize or categorize. What Is Sustainable Agriculture?.

Western SARE offices are housed at the regional host institution, Utah State University, where most of the region's grants and program operations are administered. The Professional Development Program (PDP) is administered through the University of Wyoming. Each state and Pacific island protectorate in the region has a SARE PDP Coordinator.
A hallmark of SARE is its collaboration with partners from universities, agribusiness, government agencies and nonprofit organizations.

The Western Region includes 13 states and four Pacific Island protectorates.
-- Alaska
-- Arizona
-- Colorado
-- Hawaii
-- Micronesia
-- Nevada
-- Northern Mariana Islands
-- Utah
-- Wyoming
-- American Samoa
-- California
-- Guam
-- Idaho
-- Montana
-- New Mexico
-- Oregon
-- Washington
SARE is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES), with funding authorized under Subtitle B of Title XVI of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990.

Administered by National SARE, the SARE program comprises four regions: Western, Northeastern, Southern, North Central.