U of A University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture

Pictures of chickens, flowers, wheat, a boy looking through a magnifying glass, irrigation pipe, soybean pods, and fruits and vegetables.

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Arkansas Agriculture

A.F.P.C. and FAPRI 2002 Farm Bill Analysis

AG Chem Information Services for Growing Companies - Site that hosts pesticide labels, including fungicide labels

Ag Day - The Agriculture Council of America (ACA), a not-for-profit organization, conducts programs to increase the public's awareness of agriculture's vital role in modern society.

AgMAS - Agricultural Market Advisory Services

Agra Europe

Agricultural and Food Policy Center at Texas A&M University - The Center conducts analyses of the impacts of government policy proposals and/or implementation procedures on farmers, agribusiness's, taxpayers, and consumers. Its primary constituency is the U.S. Congress, particularly the Agricultural Committees. The A.F.P.C. also conducts research and/or educational programs for government agencies, farm and agribusiness organizations, and agricultural leadership throughout Texas and the nation.

Agricultural Baseline Projections - Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri

Agricultural Baseline Projections - Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Iowa

Agricultural Baseline Projections – U.S.D.A. - The U.S.D.A. Baseline provides longrun (10-year) projections for the U.S. agricultural sector. Projections cover selected agricultural commodities and agricultural trade and aggregate indicators such as farm income and food prices. As "baseline" projections, they represent one plausible scenario for the next 10 years and reflect the results of economic models as well as analysts' judgment. The projections assume no shocks and are instead based on specific assumptions for the macroeconomy, policy, weather, and international developments.

Agricultural Baseline Projections – U.S.D.A. Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2010 - This report provides long-run baseline projections for the agricultural sector through 2010. Projections cover agricultural commodities, agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators of the sector, such as farm income and food prices. The projections are based on specific assumptions regarding macroeconomic conditions, policy, weather, and international developments.

Agricultural Income and Finance is a product of the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.  The publication looks at farm income, profitability, government payments, production expenses, debts and assets, and other areas of farm finance.

Agricultural Issues Center at the University of California

Agricultural Land Values and Cash Rent - is a combined report published by the National Agricultural Statistics Service. The data series has January 1 reference date for land values and crop or grazing year for cash rents.

Agricultural Marketing Service - Site of the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. This site provides information on the various AMS programs, discusses current hot topics in agriculture , and provides various web resources to assist producers.

Agricultural Outlook - Economic Research Service - Agricultural Outlook is published 10 times per year by the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Agricultural Policy Analysis Center at the University of Tennessee

Agricultural Prices Monthly - is a product of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This report contains prices received by farmers for principal crops, livestock and livestock products; indexes of prices received by farmers; feed price ratios; indexes of prices paid by farmers; and parity prices.

Agricultural Research Service News & Information, U.S.D.A. - This is the public-information arm of the Agricultural Research Service. ARS is the chief agency of scientific research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Agriculture in Arkansas - The Agriculture in Arkansas web site was created for the people of Arkansas by the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture.  On this site you will find links to organizations offering services to the agriculture industry of our state.

Agriculture in the Classroom (U.S.D.A.) - Agriculture in the Classroom is a grassroots program coordinated by the United States Department of Agriculture. The program is carried out in each state, according to state needs and interests, by individuals representing farm organizations, agribusiness, education and government.

AgricultureLaw.com  - A web site produced by AgricultureLaw.com L.L.C.. Their objective is to provide farmers and ranchers with the most complete source of timely information and ideas on agricultural policy.

AgriSurf! - AgriSurf! is a searchable agricultural WWW index.

American Farm Bureau - The Farm Bureau works on behalf of farm and rural people. It monitors government activity, promotes new laws and regulations, initiates and supports community activities, provides economic services and encourages fellowship within communities.

American Farm Bureau Foundation - Educating About Agriculture - This site is a clearinghouse for ideas, resources, links and more. Information available on educational activities, resource materials, ag careers, etc.

American Feed Industry Association - News, information, programs and publications related to feed manufacturing.

American Forage and Grassland Council - The AFGC is dedicated to stewardship of land and forage resources. AFGC promotes the use of forages as economically and environmental sound agriculture through education, communication and professional development of producers, scientists, educators and commercial representatives and with policy makers and consumers in North America.

American Rabbit Breeders Association - The ARBA is an organization dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy.

Anderson Program in Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy at Ohio State University

Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) U.S. State and Territory Animal Import Regulations - This web site contains the latest regulations on interstate movement of animals. U.S.D.A.-APHIS, presents the files but the regulations are written and maintained by each state. This web site also contains interstate movement for dogs and cats.

Arkansas Agricultural Statistics Service - Arkansas Agricultural Statistics Service is one of the 45 state offices of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Through a cooperative agreement with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas Agricultural Statistics is the "official" source for timely, unbiased and accurate statistical information on Arkansas' diverse agricultural industry.

Arkansas Basis System

Arkansas Cattlemen's Association - Provides the latest information about the Arkansas Cattlemen's Association and the Arkansas cattle industry.

Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Promotion Board -  The Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Board was established in 1997 to improve the profitability of growing corn and grain sorghum in Arkansas by conducting a program of research, extension, and market development. The Board allocates funds collected by a producer approved check-off of one cent per bushel of corn and grain sorghum grown for market in Arkansas.

Arkansas CropMap - This site made available by Purdue University allows the user to view information on crops produced within the state by crop, acres produced, and yield. Information can be obtained for the entire state as well as individual counties.

Arkansas Daily Grain

Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality Forms

Arkansas Farm Bureau - The Farm Bureau works on behalf of farm and rural people in Arkansas. It monitors government activity, promotes new laws and regulations, initiates and supports community activities, provides economic services and encourages fellowship within communities.

Arkansas Farm Bureau Market Report (Daily)

Arkansas Farmers Markets

Arkansas Plant Evaluation Program - a statewide program designed to evaluate woody and herbaceous plant material over a three to five year period of time.

Arkansas Pork Producers Association - Provides the latest information about the Arkansas Pork Producers Association and the Arkansas swine industry.

Arkansas Rice Growers Association

Arkansas Soybean Marketing

Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board - The Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board (ASPB) is established to improve the profitability of soybean production in Arkansas and to distribute funds from the checkoff for research and Extension projects conducted by the University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.

Arkansas State County Crop Estimates - NASS/U.S.D.A.

Arkansas State Fact Sheets, U.S.D.A./E.R.S. - Statistical summary for Arkansas includes population, income and employment; farm characteristics; farm financial indicators; and top commodities, exports and counties.

Arkansas State Fairgrounds - News, information and programs related to the Arkansas State Fair and the State Fairgrounds.

Arkansas State Plant Board

Arkansas Water Resources Center (A W R C) - The Arkansas Water Resources Center (A W R C) is located at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. The center plans and conducts water resource research, cooperating closely with colleges, universities, and other institutes in Arkansas to address the state's water and land-related problems, promotes the dissemination and application of research results, provides for the training of scientists in water resources, formulate a research program that is responsive to state water issues, and works closely with state and federal agencies.

Arkansas Wheat Promotion Board -  The Arkansas Wheat Promotion Board was established in 1985 to improve the profitability of growing wheat in Arkansas by conducting a program of research, extension, and market development. The Board allocates funds collected by a producer approved check-off of one cent per bushel of all wheat grown for market in Arkansas.

Beef Stocker U.S.A. - This web site has the latest information related to the production of stocker cattle.

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (B.S. E), F.A.S/U.S.D.A. - The purpose of this page is to provide sources of information on the effects on trade of the current B S E crisis in the European Union. Provided are links to main B-S-E pages for various government and organization sites, as well as links to related documents such as special reports, regulations, and announcements. This page will be updated as information becomes available.

California Agricultural Statistics - NASS

California Department of Food and Agriculture's

California Rice - University of California - Davis

California Rice Commission

California State Fact Sheets - U.S.D.A./E.R.S.

California's Red Imported Fire Ant Page - California has a comic book you can download or view online. A teacher’s guide is also available with classroom activities and instructional games.

Census of Agriculture - The census is a complete accounting of United States agricultural production. It is the only source of uniform comprehensive agricultural data for every county in the Nation. The census is taken every five years covering the years ending in "2" and "7".

Center for Agricultural and Trade Studies (CAPTS) at North Dakota State University

Center for Disease Control (CDC) - The CDC is the clearinghouse for human disease and control. Information on diseases such as anthrax, smallpox plus many other communicable diseases is also listed. Biological and chemical agents and threats information is also located on this web site.

Center for Health and the Global Environment - A report highlighting the role of climate variability, pests and plant diseases in our nation's future agricultural productivity was recently released by a group of nationally renowned experts. The report's aim is to understand how warmer temperatures and an increase in extreme weather events (including spells of very high temperatures, torrential rains and flooding, and droughts), predicted under climate change projections, may affect crop yields, outbreaks of plant diseases, pests, weeds and the economic costs of production. 

Chicago Board of Trade - The Chicago Board of Trade (C.B.O.T®), established in 1848, is the world's oldest derivatives (futures and futures-options) exchange. More than 3,600 C-B-O-T® members trade 48 different futures and options products at the C.B.O.T®, resulting in 1999 annual trading volume of more than 250 million contracts.

Chicago Board of Trade - Closing Futures Prices

Chicago Mercantile Exchange

Commercial Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Commodity Loan Activity - Farm Service Agency

Commodity Loan Rates - Farm Service Agency

Commonly Requested Legislative Information - This web page provides links to the most commonly requested Legislative documents

Congressional Internet Services - A Library of Congress Internet resource web page containing Official Legislative Government sites.

Cotton Inc.

Cotton Market Comments (bi-monthly) - Texas A&M University

Crop Comments (weekly) - University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Crop Production is produced by the National Agricultural Statistics Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This monthly crop production report contains crop production data for the U.S., including acreage, area harvested, yield, etc.

Crop Production-Acreage - Supplement is a product of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This full-text report presents acreage by planted and/or harvested areas by state for corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, barley, rye, sorghum, rice, peanuts, sunflower, flaxseed, canola, rapeseed, safflower, mustard seed, cotton, dry beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, sugarbeets, alfalfa hay, hay, tobacco, sugarcane. This report is a supplement to Crop production.

Crop Production-Prospective Plantings - Supplement is a product of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Prospective Planting Supplement to Crop Production reports the expected plantings as of March 1 for corn, all wheat, winter wheat, durum wheat, other spring wheat, oats, barley, flaxseed, cotton, rice by length of grain classes, all sorghum, sweet potatoes, dry edible beans, soybeans, sunflower, peanuts, and sugarbeets; acreage for harvest of oats, hay, tobacco.

Crop Progress (NASS-U.S.D.A.) is a product of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This full text file contains reports, issued weekly during the growing season, listing planting, fruiting, and harvesting progress and overall condition of selected crops in major producing states. The data, summarized by crop and by state, are republished along with any corrections in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin.

Daily Cotton Spot Prices

Dairy Outlook from Penn State University 

Dairy Records Management System (DHIA)

Dale Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food, and Life Sciences; University of Arkansas - Explore educational opportunities at The Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, which is part of the University of Arkansas. The college provides science-based programs of study leading to degrees in a variety of fields.

Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center - Stuttgart, Arkansas - (D.B. N.R.R.C.) U.S.D.A.-A.R.S. scientists conduct research in eight research categories to help keep the U. S. rice industry competitive in the global market place, by assuring high yields, superior grain quality, pest resistance, and stress tolerance. Shared laboratory space also is provided for the University of Arkansas rice research groups, as well as visiting scientists.

Delta Farm Press

Delta Research and Extension Center - M.S.U

Delta Research and Extension Center - Rice Research Areas - M.S.U

Diagnosing Wheat Production Problems in Kansas (PDF)- Kansas State University Research and Extension - Wheat Page - Pests and Diseases

Economic Research Service - The U.S.D.A. Economics and Statistics System contains nearly 300 reports and datasets from the economics agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These materials cover U.S. and international agriculture and related topics. Most reports are text files that contain time-sensitive information. Most data sets are in spreadsheet format and include time-series data that are updated yearly.

Economics and Statistics System - The U.S.D.A. Economics and Statistics System contains nearly 300 reports and datasets from the economics agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These materials cover U.S. and international agriculture and related topics. Most reports are text files that contain time-sensitive information. Most data sets are in spreadsheet format and include time-series data that are updated yearly.

Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World (E.D.I.R.C.)

ERS/U.S.D.A. Commodity Policy Backgrounders is a series of reports on rice, cotton, soybeans, wheat, and feed grains providing commodity-based background information on issues and topics facing producers and industry as the Congressional debate proceeds. These reports address market conditions, policy proposals, WTO considerations, and the interactions between markets and policy.

F.A.O. of the United Nations - F.A.O. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) works to alleviate poverty and hunger by promoting agricultural development, improved nutrition and the pursuit of living in developing countries, in particular the low-income food deficit countries.

Facts About Farmer's Markets

Farm Bill - 2002: Policy Options and Consequences is a publication of the National Public Policy Education Committee. This series of leaflets identifies the issues and outlines the policy options and consequences for the major commodities, programs and policies being considered for the 2002 farm bill. This publication is being distributed nationwide to state cooperative extension services and to Washington DC policymakers.

Farm Foundation - The Farm Foundation, established in 1933, acts as a catalyst to increase knowledge about agriculture, the food system and rural issues applies that knowledge through educational programs; develops human capital; facilitates interaction about emerging issues among agribusiness and policy leaders, government officials, and the academic community; explores policy alternatives; and facilitates communication and public awareness about the issues and alternatives.

Farm Labor Laws and Regulations - This site provided by Ohio State University gives a summary of labor laws and regulations that affect agriculture.

Farm Service Agency - (F.S.A.) helps ensure the well-being of U.S. agriculture through efficient and equitable administration of farm commodity programs; farm operating, ownership, and emergency loans; conservation and environmental programs; emergency and disaster assistance; domestic and international food assistance; and international export credit programs.

Farm Service Agency News Room - Farm Service Agency current, emergency designation, and archived news are located at this web address.

Farm Service Agency Program Fact Sheets - The Farm Service Agency online provides "Program Fact Sheets" in Portable Document Format (P.D.F). P.D.F files are printer-independent documents that allow you easily to print a duplicate of the original publication using any graphics printer (i.e., laser, inkjet, dot-matrix or plotter).

Farm Service Agency Services – Information on the following: Farm Loans, Price Support, Conservation Programs, Disaster Assistance, and Commodity Operations

Farmdoc - The educational materials provided on this site can assist producers, as well as others, in understanding the impact of laws and regulations on agri-related decisions and activities. Topics on this site include: Agricultural Biotechnology, Selling Agricultural Products, Acquiring Farmland, Water, Natural Resources & Environment, Labor Law, and Taxation.

Federation of Animal Science Society Dairy Electronic Database

Fire Ant Research in South Carolina - South Carolina provides the entire 1999 Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference, along with a listing of their funded projects.

FirstGov - FirstGov is the U.S. government's official web portal. On FirstGov, you can search more than 51 million web pages from federal and state governments, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. Most of these pages are not available on commercial websites. FirstGov has the most comprehensive search of government anywhere on the Internet.

Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri - F.A.P.R.I. prepares baseline projections each year for U.S. agricultural sector and international commodity markets. The multi-year projections are published as F.A.P.R.I. Outlooks, which provide a starting point for evaluating and comparing scenarios involving macroeconomic, policy, weather and technology variables. F.A.P.R.I. is joined in special research by a consortium of universities including Texas A&M University, Arizona State University, the University of Arkansas and North Dakota State University.

Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Iowa - F.A.P.R.I. uses comprehensive data and computer modeling systems to analyze the complex economic interrelationships of agricultural production, food, and agribusiness industries. Participating collaborators include Texas A&M University, Arizona State University, University of Arkansas, and North Dakota State University

Food and Drug Administration - FDA monitors food borne illness, nutrition and any safety alerts as it relates to human health. They also regulate animal feeds and health products. This web site also provides the latest information on bioterrorism, BSE, antibiotic resistance, etc.

Food Marketing Institute - The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) is an organization based in Washington D.C. that conducts programs in the areas of research, education, public affairs, and industry relations for its 2,300 members worldwide. The FMI provides its members with a forum to work with government, suppliers, employees, customers, and communities. FMI promotes the principles of free enterprise to ensure a competitive food industry.

Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Consumer Publications - A public health agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture that protects consumers by ensuring that meat and poultry products are safe, wholesome and accurately labeled.

Foreign Agricultural Service - Foreign Agricultural Service (F.A.S.) opens, expands, and maintains global market opportunities through international trade, cooperation, and sustainable development activities, which secure the long-term economic vitality and global competitiveness of American agriculture. F.A.S. monitors and assesses global food aid needs and promotes international agricultural trade policies that provide market access for U.S. agricultural commodities.

Foreign Agricultural Service - Policy and Trade Issues Policy - Some of the Trade Policy topics and information listed on U.S.D.A.'s Foreign Agricultural Service Homepage are Biotechnology, W.T.O -- World Trade Organization, NAFTA -- North American Free Trade Agreement, Free Trade Area of the Americas, Bilateral Trade Agreements, Binational Commissions, APEC -- Asian Pacific Economic Council, Import Requirements, etc.

Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)

Global Marketing Support Services - Global Marketing Support Services is an extension of the Division of Agriculture at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. It is an export assistance agency that serves small- to medium-sized companies as well as the community with education of the processes involved in exporting, providing market research and, ultimately, to accomplish their international objectives.

Glossary of Agricultural Production, Programs and Policy

Grains: World Markets and Trade is a product of the Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This monthly World Agricultural Production report provides the latest analysis and data on grain commodities, outlining the current supply, demand and trade estimates both for the United States and for many major foreign countries.

Graphics of U.S. Field Crops is a product of the National Agricultural Statistics Service United States Department of Agriculture. The graphs of U.S. field crops shows acreage, yield, production, and stocks for most field crops.

Greenbook - Site that hosts pesticide labels, including fungicide labels

Hawaii and Fire Ants - The Hawaii Biological Survey maintains web pages with links to many of the fire ant web pages. The links are broken into 10 categories from News, Extension, Research and Surveys.

Hoard's Dairyman 

Horticultural Business Information - This site is developed and maintained by the University of Tennessee Extension Service. It provides a guide to strategically managing green industry firms.

Horticultural Business Management and Marketing Program - A horticulture business management site developed by Cornell University.

In-Depth Hession Fly Report

International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium

International Rice Research Institute - IRRI is a nonprofit agricultural research and training center established to improve the well-being of present and future generations of rice farmers and consumers, particularly those with low incomes. It is dedicated to helping farmers in developing countries produce more food on limited land using less water, less labor, and fewer chemical inputs, without harming the environment. 

Iowa Farm Outlook Newsletter (bi-weekly) - Iowa State University Extension Economics

Iowa State University General Plant Nematode Information

Iowa State Website on corn diseases

Kansas City Board of Trade

Kansas State University website on wheat and wheat pests.

King Cotton Magazine - Weil Brothers - Cotton, Inc.

L. E. Gilbert's Lab

Livestock Marketing Information Center, U.S.D.A. - The Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC) provides economic analysis and projections about issues and conditions concerning the livestock industry.

Livestock Virtual Library (Oklahoma State University) - This is a gateway to a collection of hundreds of links to livestock and livestock-related web sites.

Louisiana Agricultural Statistics - NASS

Louisiana State Fact Sheets - U.S.D.A.

Louisiana State University and Fire Ants - Louisiana has developed an online quiz you can take after going through their pages – it asks questions such as “Winged ants are called?” a. alates     b. fliers     c. killer ants

Louisiana State University Rice Research Station

Memphis Daily Grain

Memphis Weekly Feedstuffs Report

Merck Veterinary Manual - The Merck Veterinary Manual is the single most comprehensive electronic reference for animal care information. It includes over 12,000 indexed topics and over 1200 illustrations. Users can rapidly search by topic, species, specialty, disease, and keyword using advanced search advanced search.

Minneapolis Board of Trade 

Mississippi Agricultural Statistics - NASS

Mississippi Rice Production - M.S.U

Mississippi State Fact Sheets - U.S.D.A. / E.R.S.

Mississippi State University Cooperative Extension Service  

Missouri Agricultural Statistics

Missouri Rice - University of Missouri

Missouri State Fact Sheets - U.S.D.A. / E.R.S.

Myrmecology: The Science of Ants

NASS Charts and Maps

NASS - Arkansas - Latest County Row Crop Acreage/Yield Statistics

NASS' U.S., state and county level agricultural statistics for select commodities.

National Ag Risk Education Library - This site provides information on topics such as production risk, crop insurance, enterprise diversification, price risk, natural disasters, legal risk, and human risk.

National Agricultural Library - The National Agricultural Library (NAL), part of the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is one of four National Libraries in the United States. NAL is a major international source for agriculture and related information. This web site provide access to NAL's many resources and a gateway to its associated institutions.

National Agricultural Pest Information System

National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) - Each year, U.S.D.A.' s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) employees conduct hundreds of surveys and prepare reports covering virtually every facet of U.S. agriculture. Its 45 State Statistical Offices (S.S.O) publish data about many topics for local audiences. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. The abundance of information produced has earned for NASS employees the title, "The Fact Finders of Agriculture".

National Cattlemen's Beef Association - Provides the latest information as it relates to beef production, research, food safety, nutrition, policy and business climate and other related news.

National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation

National Cotton Council

National Food and Agriculture Policy Project at Arizona State University

National Futures Association

National Grain Summary (Daily)

National Organic Program - National Organic Program page that supplies links for certifying agents, consumer information, NOP regulations and policies, producers, handlers, and processors, and state information as well as a link to the National Organics Standards Board.

National Plant Board

National Plant Germplasm System (N.P.G.S)

National Pork Board - Provides the latest information as it relates to swine production, research, food safety, nutrition, policy and business climate and other related news.

National Pork Producers Council - NPPC is involved in national advertising and promotion for pork and is the single unified voice for America's pork producers on a wide range of industry and public policy issues.

National Rice Summary (Weekly)

National Small Grains Collection - Aberdeen, Idaho

National Soybean Research Library - The mission of the National Soybean Research Laboratory is to help expand the scope, size, and profitability of the U.S. soybean industry by providing strategic information and support for effective decision-making. 

National Weather Service Weekly Crop and Weather Updates - The Joint Agricultural Weather Facility (J.A.W.F) is jointly operated by the World Agricultural Outlook Board of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Naturally Arkansas - The Arkansas Agriculture Product Market was developed by the Arkansas State Plant Board in an attempt to help potential buyers locate Arkansas producers.

Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service - Daylily Rust Information

Nebraska Marketing Publications

Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory

New York Cotton Exchange

News and Information from the U.S.A. Rice Federation has current news releases and feature articles, as well as archives of previously published information distributed by U.S.A. Rice.

Noble Foundation Plant Image Gallery - The Noble Foundation Plant Image Gallery is designed to assist botanists, ecologists, and natural resource managers with the identification of plants. It should also prove useful to educators in the classroom as well as students who are required to learn plants as a part of their studies. Furthermore, we hope that those of you with any affinity to plants, hobby or otherwise, will find this to be an interesting and useful site. 

O.E.C.D. Washington Center - The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is the international organization of the industrialized, market-economy countries. At OECD, representatives from 30 Member countries meet to exchange information and harmonize policy with a view to maximizing economic growth within Member countries and assisting non-Member countries develop more rapidly.

Official U.S. Executive Branch Web Sites

Oklahoma State Breeds of Livestock - The Breeds of Livestock resource web site is presented by the Department of Animal Science at Oklahoma State University. The site is intended as an educational and informational resource on breeds of livestock throughout the world.

Oklahoma State University - Entomology and Plant Pathology - Plant Diseases

On-Line Publications by University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Personnel

Oregon State University Plant Nematology

Policy Topics, E. R. S / U.S.D.A - This topic focuses on policies adopted by government and international organizations regarding agricultural production and income, food consumption, and trade. Policy analysis encompasses economic impacts, costs, and benefits of policies that are proposed or enacted. Subtopics include:

Producers Rice Mill, Inc.

Production, Supply, and Distribution (PS&D) Database: by Country, Commodity, Supply and Use Time Series - Production, Supply, and Distribution, or P.S.D., is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (U.S.D.A.) official, short-term quantity forecast of supply and use by country and by commodity for 62 commodities, excluding fruits and vegetables, and more than 200 countries and regions in the world. Data are annual, in standard metric units, and for quantity only, not value. P.S.D. covers area, yield, production, consumption, stocks, and trade.

Purcell Report (Tuesday) - Virginia Cooperative Extension  

Purdue University Website on Row Crop Diseases

Rice - How to Manage Pests - UC Pest Management Guidelines - University of California - Agriculture and Natural Resources

Rice Disease Management - University of Missouri Delta Center

Rice - Diseases - Florida

Rice Diseases - Louisiana State University

Rice Online.Com

Rice Outlook is a product of the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Rice Outlook examines U.S. rough, milled, long-grain, and medium/short-grain rice: supply, disappearance, price, acreage, yield, production, stocks, byproducts, brewers' prices, exports, and world rice markets.

Rice Producers of California

Rice Situation and Outlook - is a product of the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Rice Outlook examines U.S. rough, milled, long-grain, and medium/short-grain rice: supply, disappearance, price, acreage, yield, production, stocks, byproducts, brewers' prices, exports, and world rice markets.

Rice Stocks - is a product of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This quarterly full- text report presents the most current estimates of rough and milled rice stocks by position (on and off farms) and by states and U.S.; stocks by length of grain classes for six major producing states (Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Texas). Reports containing related information include: Grain Stocks.

Rice Suppliers - U.S.A. Rice Federation

Rice Yearbook is a product of the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This annual report examines U.S. rough, milled, long-grain, and medium/short grain rice: supply, disappearance, price, acreage, yield, production, stocks, byproducts, brewers' prices, exports, and world rice markets. This report is a supplement to Rice Outlook.

Riceland Weekly Market Review - updates you on factors affecting rice, soybean, and wheat markets. It also contains information regarding Riceland's marketing activities, notice of advances, sign-up deadlines and other important information.

Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI)

Secretary Veneman Releases Report on Food and Agricultural Policy for the New Century

Seedburo - Source for psychrometers

Situation and Outlook Reports - Economic Research Service - The Situation and Outlook Reports are published by the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Reports are available in the following areas: Agricultural economics; Field crops; International agriculture; Livestock, dairy, poultry and aquaculture; Specialty agriculture; U.S. agricultural trade

Spring Freeze Injury to Kansas Wheat (PDF)– picture guide to spring freeze injury symptoms in Kansas from Kansas State University

State of Arkansas - The official website for the state of Arkansas. Provides information regarding government services, community and civic information, etc.

StratSoy - StratSoy Statistics  Over the last few years the StratSoy System has grown to encompass many different tools and resource across multiple World Wide Web servers. The statistics are aggregated as follows:  StratSoy Tools  - StratSoy provides interactive decision tools such as the "Cost of Carry Calculator" and the "Buy/Sell Exchange".; StratSoy Resources - The StratSoy Resources page provides a one-stop shop for soybean related web resources; Soybean Answers - The StratSoy Soybean Answers site provides answers to frequently asked questions in a variety of subject matter areas; and General Information - Statistics on the StratSoy Home Page. 

Teach Free - Nutrition Information for Youth Educators - This site is specifically for educators teaching preschool through senior high school that need high-quality supplemental materials. Many of the teaching kits are available free to qualified educators.

Texas A&M Website on corn diseases

Texas Agricultural Statistics-NASS

Texas' Imported Fire Ant Research and Management Plan - Texas’ extensive web site has slide shows and images available to download, along with lots of information about the research being conducted in the state and elsewhere.

Texas Plant Disease Handbook - WHEAT - Triticum aestivum

Texas Rice - Texas A&M

Texas Rice Industry - U.S. Rice Producers

Texas State Fact Sheets - U.S.D.A./E.R.S

The Food Safety Consortium - Food safety information on beef, pork and poultry from the farm to the consumer's table.

The Library of Congress - The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution with a primary mission of serving the research needs of the U.S. Congress. The Library of Congress provides legislative information as they say, "In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson." History of Congress - A Library of Congress Internet resource web page. The History of Congress web page includes discussions on the Senate and House, Congressional buildings and art, biographies of past members of Congress, historic Congressional documents, Congressional election statistics, etc.

The United States House of Representatives This web site houses the home page of the United States House of Representatives.

The United States Senate - The web site houses the home page of the United States Senate.

U.S. Crop Acreage and Yield Maps Showing Counties Crop Year 1999 is a product of the National Agricultural Statistics Service United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. crop acreage and yield detailed color U.S. maps shows range of acres for harvest and yield per harvested acre, by county.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) - The U.S.D.A. strives to enhance the quality of life for the American people by supporting production of agriculture.

U.S. Executive Branch  - A Library of Congress Internet resource web page.  The official U.S. Executive Branch web site contains only Executive Branch site.

U.S. House Committee on Agriculture - This web site houses the home page of the United States House of Representatives' Committee on Agriculture

U.S. House Committee on Agriculture News Releases - This web site houses the home page of the United States House of Representatives' News Releases.

U.S. House of Representative Committees - This web site houses the home page of the United States House of Representatives' Committee Offices Web Services

U.S. Judicial Branch - A Library of Congress Internet web page containing links to U.S. Judicial Branch Resources as well as other Web site specializing in legal information.

U.S. Legislative Branch - A Library of Congress Internet resource web page containing numerous web site listings related to the Legislative Branch of government.

U.S. Rice Producers Association

U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry - This web site houses the home page of the United States Senate's Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

U.S. Senate Committees - This web site houses the home page of the United States Senate's standing, special, select, other and joint committees of Congress.

U.S.A. Rice Federation

U.S.D.A. Agricultural Outlook (monthly) - Main source for U.S.D.A.'s farm and food price forecasts; short-term outlook for all major areas of the agricultural economy; long-term issue analyses of U.S. agricultural policy, trade forecasts, export-market development, food safety, the environment, farm financial institutions. Includes data on individual commodities, the general economy, U.S. farm trade, farm income, production expenses, input use, prices received and paid, per capita food consumption, etc. 

U.S.D.A. - AMS Cotton Reports

U.S.D.A. AMS Market News Reports

U.S.D.A. Arkansas Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin (Tuesday)

U.S.D.A. Cooperative State, Research, Education and Extension Service - The CSREES provides leadership and administration to identify, develop and manage programs to support university-based and other institutional research, education and extension.

U.S.D.A. Cotton Ginning (monthly) - This site contains the number of running bales ginned to date for all cotton and American-Pima cotton, by state; county ginnings released with mid-month state ginnings; March report also includes 480-lb. bales ginned and average bale weight by state.

U.S.D.A. Crop Acreage - This full-text report presents acreage by planted and/or harvested areas by state for corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, barley, rye, sorghum, rice, peanuts, sunflower, flaxseed, canola, rapeseed, safflower, mustard seed, cotton, dry beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, sugarbeets, alfalfa hay, hay, tobacco, sugarcane. This report is a supplement to Crop production. 

U.S.D.A. Crop Production (monthly) - This site contains crop production data for the U.S., including acreage, area harvested, yield, etc.

U.S.D.A. Crop Progress (Monday) - This site contains reports, issued weekly during the growing season, listing planting, fruiting, and harvesting progress and overall condition of selected crops in major producing states. The data, summarized by crop and by state, are republished along with any corrections in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin. 

U.S.D.A. Export Sales Report (Thursday)

U.S.D.A. for Kids - U.S.D.A. for Kids is a collection of links to government web sites that are especially geared towards children. Children can find interesting facts and history about agriculture, food safety, conservation, science, etc.

U.S.D.A. Grain Demand Report

U.S.D.A. Prospective Plantings (March) - This site provides text file reports on the expected plantings as of March 1 for corn, all wheat, winter wheat, durum wheat, other spring wheat, oats, barley, flaxseed, cotton, rice by length of grain classes, all sorghum, sweet potatoes, dry edible beans, soybeans, sunflower, peanuts, and sugarbeets; acreage for harvest of oats, hay, tobacco. 

U.S.D.A. Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin (Tuesday) - This file contains weekly national agricultural weather summaries, including the weather's effect on crops; summaries and farm progress for 44 states and New England area. This report includes any corrections to the Crop Progress data released the previous day. 

U.S.D.A. Agency Reports Schedule/Calendar - U.S.D.A.'s Economic Research Service, Foreign Agricultural Service, National Agricultural Statistics Service, and World Agricultural Outlook Board have their agency reports listed by their release date.

U.S.D.A. Agricultural Outlook Forum - The U. S. Department of Agriculture holds an annual two-day forum.  This link provides details of the current year's forum, agenda, speeches. etc.

U.S.D.A. Dairy Marketing Service - Dairy Market News covers the supply, demand and price situation every week on a regional, national and international basis for milk, butter, cheese and dry and fluid products.

U.S.D.A. Economics and Statistics System

U.S.D.A. ERS Field Crop Reports - Provides information and statistics on domestic and world production, as well as consumption, exports, imports and use, and prices for cotton, feed, oilscrops, rice and wheat.

U.S.D.A. Grain Stocks - This site provides a full-text report, issued four times yearly, contains stocks of all wheat, durum wheat, corn, sorghum, oats, barley, soybeans, flaxseed, canola, rapeseed, rye, sunflower, safflower, mustard seed, by States and U.S. and by position (on-farm or off-farm storage); includes number and capacity of off-farm storage facilities and capacity of on-farm storage facilities.

U.S.D.A. Grains Inspected and/or Weighed For Export

U.S.D.A. Maps and other Crop-Weather Graphics

U.S.D.A. Newsroom - U.S.D.A.'s Newsroom includes agency reports, national releases, agency releases, speeches and testimony, office communications, events and other information.

U.S.D.A. Portland Oregon Grain Report

U.S.D.A. Rice Stocks - This site provides quarterly full-text report presents the most current estimates of rough and milled rice stocks by position (on and off farms) and by states and U.S.; stocks by length of grain classes for six major producing states (Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Texas). 

U.S.D.A. World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates - This site provides a full-text monthly report provides the most current U.S.D.A. forecasts of U.S. and world supply-use balances of major grains, soybeans and products, and cotton; and U.S. supply and use of sugar and livestock products. 

U.S.G.S. Water Resources of Arkansas

U.S.G.S. Water Resources of California

U.S.G.S. Water Resources of Louisiana

U.S.G.S. Water Resources of Mississippi

U.S.G.S. Water Resources of Missouri

U.S.G.S. Water Resources of Texas

U.S.G.S. Water Resources of the United States

United Soybean Board

United States Department of Agriculture - The U.S.D.A. homepage lists its various agencies, services and programs

United States Department of Labor - Link to the United States Department of Labor website.

University of Arkansas Cotton Management Expert System Software - For COTMAN information look at  this site.  There are links to weather file data needed for the Bollman component as well as other pertinent information and updates about the program.

University of Arkansas Department of Animal Science - The Department of Animal Science offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in Animal Science. Course options include the following: animal breeding; beef, swine, horse, sheep or milk production; feeds and feeding; diseases of farm animals; reproductive physiology; and livestock judging and selection.

University of Arkansas Soil Testing and Research Laboratory - The University of Arkansas Soil Testing and Research Laboratory provides routine soil testing and fertilizer recommendations to farmers, homeowners, researchers and others. Sorry! The Laboratory does not offer testing for herbicides, pesticides, nematodes, water, or soil texture.

University of Arkansas Soybean Performance Test 1998

University of Arkansas Variety Testing Programs

University of Arkansas Wheat Research

University of California Cooperative Extension Rice Project

University of Missouri Cooperative Extension Service Rice Page

University of Missouri Dairy Commodity Prices 

University of Nebraska - Plant Disease Central - Wheat Diseases

University of Nebraska Row Crop Diseases

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Nematology

USDA Risk Management Agency - The Risk Management Agency is part of the USDA with the goal of assisting producers manage risk through effective risk management solutions. The three divisions of the RMA include: Insurance Services, Research and Development (R&D), and Risk Compliance.

USDA-ARS Fire Ant Areawide Suppression - The site has news and updates and short video clips of phorid fly emergence and attack behaviors. Online publications are available also. Visitors are asked to fill out a survey with questions regarding the economic impact of the red imported fire ant.

Variety Testing, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture

Weed Science Society of America - Weed Identification

Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin - is a product of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This product contains weekly national agricultural weather summaries, including the weather's effect on crops; summaries and farm progress for 44 states and New England area. This report includes any corrections to the Crop Progress data released the previous day.

West Nile Virus - Provides information about the West Nile Virus put together by Environmental Risk Analysis Program, Cornell University Center for the Environment in Ithaca, New York.

Wheat Diseases and Pests: a guide for field identification - USDA

World Agricultural Production is a product of the Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This monthly World Agricultural Production report provides the latest production information and data on a number of agricultural commodities for the United States and for many major foreign countries.

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates is a product of the World Agricultural Outlook Board, Office of the Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This full-text monthly report provides the most current U.S.D.A. forecasts of U.S. and world supply-use balances of major grains, soybeans and products, and cotton; and U.S. supply and use of sugar and livestock products

World Economic Forum - The World Economic Forum, in its commitment to improve the state of the world, is geared towards bringing people together in a global forum that would not otherwise exist among players in politics, business, academics, and civil society. In doing so, it is intended that the ideas from these different arenas will also be brought together to create new channels of thought and action. The World Economic Forum is not just about conferences and the organization of events. First and foremost, it aims to create communication between political, economic and social actors, and in certain cases significant efforts are made to follow up on issues and facilitate developments.


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University of Arkansas
Division of Agriculture
All rights reserved.
Last Date Modified 11/20/2008

University of Arkansas • Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 South University Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 • USA
Phone (501) 671-2000 • Fax (501) 671-2209
