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Start searching InfoTrac Newspapers (SP00) InfoTrac Newspapers  
Growing collection of over 100 newspapers from the U.S. and around the world, including several Texas newspapers. Dates of coverage vary with start dates beginning January of 1996, and a 365 day rolling file for the New York Times.
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Start searching Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism Select, Dictionary of Literary Biography (GLD-7) Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism Select, Dictionary of Literary Biography  
Contemporary Authors provides complete biographical and bibliographical information on more than 120,000 U.S. and international authors. Contemporary Literary Criticism--Select collects more than 35,000 critical essays on contemporary authors, with biographical, critical, principal works, and further study information. Dictionary of Literary Biography provides nearly 10,000 biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of influential literary figures from all eras and genres.
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Start searching Health and Wellness Resource Center (HWRC-2) Health and Wellness Resource Center  1980 - Nov 2005
Use this Resource Center to find magazines, journals, newspapers, definitions, directories, and information on: Fitness, Pregnancy, Medicine, Nutrition, Diseases, Public Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Alcohol and Drug abuse, Prescription Drugs, etc. Included are links to diet, cancer, and health assessment sites as well as government databases. The material contained in this Resource Center is intended for informational purposes only.
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Start searching Student Resource Center - Gold (SRC-1) Student Resource Center - Gold  1980 - Present
A fully integrated database containing thousands of curriculum-targeted primary documents, biographies, topical essays, background information, critical analyses, full-text coverage of over 1,000 magazines, newspapers, over 20,000 photographs and illustrations, and more than 8 hours of audio and video clips. Includes Student Resource Center-Health Module.
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Start searching Literature Resource Center - LRC (LitRC-16) Literature Resource Center - LRC  Nov 2005
Literature Resource Center provides access to biographies, bibliographies, and critical analyses of authors from every age and literary discipline. Combining Gale Group's core literary databases in a single online service, the Literature Resource Center covers more than 120,000 novelists, poets, essayists, journalists, and other writers, with in-depth coverage of 2,500 of the most-studied authors.
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Start searching PROMT (PRS) PROMT  2002 - Nov 2005
PROMT -- Predicast Overview of Markets and Technology. Use this database to research companies, the products and technologies they produce, and the markets in which they compete. Includes summaries and full text from nearly 1,000 business and trade journals, industry newsletters, newspapers, market research studies, news releases, and investment and brokerage firm reports.
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Start searching Associations Unlimited (AU-31) Associations Unlimited  Sep 2005
Contains information for approximately 460,000 international and U.S. national, regional, state, and local nonprofit membership organizations in all fields, including IRS data on U.S. 501(c) nonprofit organizations.
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Start searching Business and Company Resource Center (BCRC-0) Business and Company Resource Center  
Business and Company Resource Center is a fully integrated resource bringing together company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies and periodicals. Search this database to find detailed company and industry news and information.
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Start searching Biography and Genealogy Master Index (BGMI) Biography and Genealogy Master Index  Oct 2005
This database is a first stop index tool for learning where to look for biographical material on people from all time periods, geographical locations and fields of endeavor. Biography and Genealogy Master Index indexes any print product that includes biographical information on multiple persons. It also acts as an index to other indexes.
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Start searching Contemporary Authors (CA) Contemporary Authors  Nov 2005
Provides complete biographical and bibliographical information and references on more than 120,000 U.S. and international authors.
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Start searching Contemporary Literary Criticism - Select (CLC) Contemporary Literary Criticism - Select  Nov 2005
Contemporary Literary Criticism--Select is an extensive collection of critical essays on contemporary authors. Each CLC--Select entry contains a biographical/critical introduction, listing of principal works and sources for further study.
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Start searching Health Reference Center Academic (HRCA) Health Reference Center Academic  1980 - Nov 2005
Use this database to find articles on: Fitness, Pregnancy, Medicine, Nutrition, Diseases, Public Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Alcohol and Drug abuse, HMOs, Prescription Drugs, etc. The material contained in this database is intended for informational purposes only.
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