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November 2008

Mahomet Aquifer Mapping Reveals Surprises and Gains International Collaboration
Illinois Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund Supports ISGS Program in 2009
Additional Funding for Geology of Lake County Project
Three-dimensional Hydrogeologic Mapping Begins in McHenry County
Invited Lecture Presented at a Nanotechnology Conference at the University of Jordan
Busy Month for Earthquake Preparedness
ISGS Staff Participate in Outreach Activities
Groundwater Information in High Demand
Visiting Doctoral Candidate Receives Training
Mapping Coalition Completes Drilling Season
Workshop Attended
Oil and Gas Section Projects Completed

October 2008

ISGS Staff Members Honored
Sustainable Shorelines Is Chicago Conference Theme
Chicago Burnham Centennial Previewed
Solid Wastes from Oil Refinery Transformed into Green Construction Products
Borehole Geophysics Supports Landfill Closing Effort
ISGS Participates in CUSEC Meeting
ISGS to Provide Input for an Illinois Stream Mitigation Program
Sulfur Spring Studied
ISGS Scientist Gives Lecture on Illinois Beach State Park
Fossil Forest Tale Continues
New U.S. Department of Energy Contract Awarded
Survey Scientist Featured at Springfield Rock and Mineral Show

September 2008

Reconnaissance Analysis Completed for Senachwine Creek Watershed
ISGS Featured at IDOT Fall Program Meeting
Dating of Cave Sediments and Speleothems Attracts Press
Study on Limestone Fines for Desulfurization Completed
Kendall County Resource Investigation Update
Summer Resistivity Field Work Completed
Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition Drilling
New Coal Waste Project Funded
Funded Project to Capture CO2 from Flue Gas
Invited Speaker at Earthquake Conference
Quaternary Geologist Presents Talk at International Meeting

August 2008

ISGS Staff in Teaching Roles
Mahomet Aquifer System Investigation: 2008
CO2 Sequestration Field Efforts Continue
Collaborative NSF Research on Effects of Dam Removal Begun
STATEMAP Products Completed
Seismic Software Grant Received
EPRI Selects ISGS to Participate in Mercury Sorbent Characterization Study
Preparing for a Significant Central U..S. Earthquake
Coal Talk Draws Local Interest
Interest in Fossil Forest Continues
Phase II of DOE-CBRC Project Completed Successfully
Survey's Concrete Research Attracts Industry Interest

July 2008

Abandoned Mine Maps Delivered to IDOT
Illinois Height Modernization Program Begins
Two Department of Energy Awards Will Allow ISGS to Develop New Technologies
Coal Waste Utilization Idea Proceeding in Patent Process
Fossil Forest Saga Continues
ISGS Scientists Use New Carbon-14 Dating Method to Understand Half-Century Mystery in Quincy, Illinois
New Development Enhances Geophysical Imaging Quality and Helps in Seismic Hazards Assessment
ISGS Participates in Workshop on Post-Earthquake Information Management

June 2008

Providing Flood Imagery
ISGS Mapping Posters Reach Wide Audience
Early Aerial Photos Available on Web Site
University of Illinois Geography Department Contributes to ISGS Outcrop Studies
ISGS Provides Assistance at Archeological Dig at Urbana's Founder's Park
Bridge Consultants Use Information from ISGS Stored Core

May 2008

Annual Review of Illinois Industrial Minerals Completed
ISGS Hosts 54th Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference
CO2 Sequestration Updates
Geophysics Section Assists Delaware Geological Survey in Mapping Efforts
Earthquake Preparedness Planning Continues
Coal Collaboration Discussed at Two Meetings

April 2008

April 18, 2008, Mt. Carmel, Illinois: Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake and Aftershocks
April Geological Science Field Trip Attract 100 Participants
ISGS Researchers Active at North-Central GSA
Landslide Investigated
Fabrication of a Full-Scale Sorbent Activation Process for Mercury Control

March 2008

2008 ISGS Open House Attracts Large Crowd
CO2 Sequestration Phase III Kickoff Meeting Held
Tollway Runoff Monitoring Project Begins
Planning for the Future of Chicago's Far North Lakefront
Two Petroleum Technology Transfer Council (PTTC) Workshops Held
From the Watershed to the Global Ocean
Combustion By-Product Research Receives Additional Funding

February 2008

New ISGS Publication Documents Paleoecology at Illinois Site
New ISGS Sediment Laboratory Opens
Several Requests Received for Limestone Information
Test Drilling and Geophysical Logging Show Community Water Development Potential
Information Provided about Waste Gypsum Conversion Process
Illinois Coal Bed Methane Cores Donated to ISGS
Map of Lee County Sand Distribution Nearing Completion
New Field Work Adds to the Knowledge of the Mahomet Aquifer
54th Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference to Visit Sites in Northeastern Illinois
Engineers Without Borders Seeks Help from ISGS Geologists
Two Funding Proposals Accepted by USGS

January 2008

ISGS Provides Environmental Work for Mississippi River Bridge
Lake Michigan Flirts with Record Low Water Level
Final Settlement of LaSalle Superfund Side Suit
Mercury Control Technology Meeting at Applied Research Laboratory


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Updated 1/8/2009 SLD