Build a Log-splitting Table

A guide to constructing said table, log-splitting table plans, materials list, diagram.

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Wood-splitting season can be a joyful experience or sheer drudgery. Over the past two decades our family's firewood chopping, which used to involve everyone, has now become a solo venture.

When I started splitting wood by myself, I discovered the piece of wood on the far side of the splitter always fell to the ground. I continuously had to walk around the splitter and bend over to retrieve each piece of wood, which quickly became a nuisance. To ease my back and save time, I screwed a piece of plywood to the top of a sawhorse and made a crude table to catch the piece of split wood. That worked well. As I grew older, spending an entire Saturday splitting firewood got less and less appealing, so I built a special splitting table, which worked even better than the piece of plywood. And I started using a different splitter. The current one is a hydraulic-pump splitter powered by an 8-horsepower gasoline motor. The widely splayed legs on my new table (see plans on Page 101) clear the splitter completely and add tremendous stability to the table.

The new tabletop is large enough to hold several log rounds standing on end, at a tune. Position the table close enough to the splitter to catch the piece of split wood, but far enough away to clear the ram. I save a small space on the leading edge of the table for the piece coming off the splitter's back side. Then I can split several rounds before leaving to reload the table. If another person is available, they can run the lever that powers the ram forward to split the wood and backward and to ready it for the next piece. They also can keep the table loaded, while the other person loads the wood into the trailer or wheelbarrow.

Splitting into a wheelbarrow or trailer parked alongside the splitter speeds up the job and reduces operator fatigue, allowing one to work for longer periods of time. I used to load split wood into a wheelbarrow. This year we were too far from the stacked woodpile to use wheelbarrows, so I borrowed a friend's lawn tractor. We used two lawn tractors, each pulling a trailer capable of carrying almost a face cord at a time. (A face cord is measured as split wood stacked 4x8-Feet long by the length of the cordwood, in this case 15 inches. A full cord is 4x4x8-feet.) In three days, we stacked P face cords of wood for myself and about 20 face cords for my neighbor.

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