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      American Indian and
    Alaska Native

    Pediatric Height and Weight Study Website


    ITCA: 19 tribes logo EpiCenter logo


    BrothersThe American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Pediatric Height and Weight Study will assess the current height and weight status of AI/AN children under 18 years of age.

    This study is being conducted by the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. Epidemiology Center in collaboration with the Indian Health Service.

    The purpose of this study is to describe the current height and weight status of AI/AN children and use the information to:

    • establish a national baseline prevalence of childhood overweight and underweight by defined geographic regions;

    • increase awareness of the high prevalence of childhood overweight;

    • measure and compare the prevalence of the overweight and underweight with the general U.S. population and other ethnic populations;
    Children Playing
    • target resources for healthy growth and development for prevention of diabetes and other chronic diseases; and

    • justify additional resources for early intervention in local, regional, and national IHS/Tribal/Urban Indian health programs and communities to decrease the health disparities in AI/AN.