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If you have any comments or questions about DCA programs please select the appropriate means of contacting DCA:

To send a brief message regarding content of the DCA Web site e-mail comments to DCA Feedback.  Include your name, post office (or e-mail) address and phone number. Response will be by phone, letter or e-mail. DCA cannot accept formal notices or requests requiring decisions or research through this channel.

To submit a question or information that requires formal analysis or official response, please contact the Commissioner's Office at 609-292-6420. For press inquiries, please contact the Office of Communications and Policy at 609-292-6055.


New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
101 South Broad Street
PO Box 800
Trenton, NJ 08625-0800

DCA's main offices are located at 101 South Broad St. in downtown Trenton (intersection of South Broad St. and Front St.). See map.


FOR GENERAL GUIDANCE on which offices to contact for particular functions or programs, review the DCA Programs Book


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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2007
Department of Community Affairs
P. O. Box 800
Trenton, NJ 08625-0800

All technical issues regarding this Web site should be sent to the Department of the Community Affairs Webmaster