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The New Jersey Department of Agriculture's Plant Laboratory provides laboratory support for regulatory and service programs affecting the producers, dealers, and consumers of plant products in New Jersey, emphasizing the analysis of seeds, and the diagnosis of honeybee diseases and plant pathogens.

Analyses performed for seed quality include germination, purity, noxious weed, vigor, varietal, and endophyte testing. These tests are performed either visually or by incorporating electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques. Testing of seeds for phytosanitary export requirements is also done. Fees are charged for service tests.

Honey bee analysis includes microbiology tests for bacterial foulbrood diseases, tracheal and Varroa mite identification, and tests for Africanization. Tests for Africanization include morphometrics, electrophoresis, and gas chromatography.

Plant pathology testing is performed for the identification of both seed-borne and nursery diseases. Both microscopic and enzyme linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) tests are employed.

For further information contact Plant Laboratory Services, New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry, PO Box 330, Trenton, NJ 08625-0330, (609-292-5443).


  • Plant Laboratory Diagnostic Tests and Fees

    The New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry provides laboratory testing services for a variety of plant and seed issues. Fees are charged for some testing that is not of a regulatory nature.

    Charges For Testing


    Fee *

    Germination test

    $10.00 per sample

    Purity test

    $30.00 per hour

    Noxious weed test

    $15.00 per sample

    Vigor test

    $15.00 per sample

    Viability - Tetrazolium test

    $30.00 per hour

    Varietal identification

    $100.00 per sample

    Mycotoxin test

    $15.00 per test

    Other tests

    $30.00 per hour

    * Fees for testing shall be waived for federal or state agencies, local governments and park commissions. Any New Jersey resident actively engaged in the commercial production of agricultural or horticultural products and not engaged in the business of a wholesale seedsman or seed conditioner will be allowed two free germination tests by the State Seed Laboratory during the period July 1 through June 30.


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  • Procedures For Submitting Samples

    For timely analysis, samples representing seed to be planted in the spring, should be submitted to the laboratory between September 1 and February 1. It is the responsibility of the individuals submitting the samples to see that the samples are representative of the lots from which they were taken.

    Samples should bear the name of the seed as well as the name and address of the sender. The kind of test desired should be stated and also whether the seed is for sale or the test is for guidance in planting.

    At least 800 seeds should be submitted for a germination evaluation. A standard germination test requires 400 seeds; another 400 seeds are needed in the event that a retest is necessary.

    A New Jersey State noxious weed seed examination is conducted as part of the purity analysis.

    A seed test report, applying only to the sample submitted, will be provided to the sender. When requesting a test on seed that has been previously analyzed, a copy of this analysis should accompany the sample as well as the reason for requesting a new analysis.

    Samples may be submitted by mail or in person. Mail samples should be sent to the State Seed Analyst, New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry,PO Box 330, Trenton, NJ 08625-0330, (609) 292- 5443.

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