Arsenic Awareness Community Outreach in Bangladesh

Field Studies at Superfund Site in New Jersey

The Columbia Superfund Research Program investigates the health effects, geochemistry, and remediation of Arsenic (As) and Manganese (Mn), with a particular focus on groundwater.

The contamination of groundwater and soils with As and Mn is associated with major public health, remedial, and environmental policy problems both in the U.S. and abroad. Our interdisciplinary teams of bio-medical and geoscience researchers and students work with government scientists to better understand underlying exposure routes, pathophysiological mechanisms, and population dynamics that contribute to the risks from As and Mn and to translate new findings into effective policies that reduce environmental exposures and improve human health.

Fieldwork photo Online Mapper, 'NPL Superfund Footprint: Site, Population, and Environmental Characteristics'

Projects and Cores

Project 1 - Health Effects of As Longitudinal Study (HEALS)

Evaluating health effects from arsenic in drinking water on adults in Araihazar, Bangladesh

Project 2 - Consequences of As and Mn Exposure on Children

Investigating health effects from exposure to arsenic and manganese in water: conception to adolescence

Project 3 - Impact of Nutrition on Arsenic-Induced Epigenetic Dysregulation

Elucidating molecular events underlying the effects of arsenic and folate on DNA methylation

Project 4 - Arsenic, Iron, Sulfur and Organic Carbon Speciation

Seeking to determine impact of sediment mineralogy and related transformations on arsenic groundwater concentrations

Project 5 - Application of Enhanced Mitigation Methods for Groundwater As at US Superfund Sites

Enhancing As remediation approaches

Project 6 - Defining the Sustainable Uses of Low-As Aquifers in Bangladesh

Lowering As exposure for HEALS participants and understanding processes affecting water quality in low As aquifers

Core A - Data Management Core

Providing safe, secure relational data management

Core B - Trace Metals Core

Precisely measuring a broad range of metabolites, metals & proteins in biological specimens

Core C - Biogeochemistry Core

Analyzing & assessing groundwater, sediments, and biomedical samples

Core D - Hydrogeology Core

Providing hydrogeological expertise & tools

Research Translation Core - RTC Collaborating with government & the NIEHS SRP: As & Mn Exposure in Groundwater

Facilitating constructive partnerships with EPA, ATSDR, state/local and other agencies

Community Engagement Core - CEC Promoting Arsenic Testing and Treatment to Reduce Health Risks for Residents with Private Wells in Maine

Developing innovative community participatory tools to understand behavior and improve health for those at risk from arsenic exposure

Administrative Core - Directing the Columbia University SRP: Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese

Supervising, coordinating, and guiding the CU SRP research projects and cores, thus ensuring that our Center maximizes its impact on improving public health



August 2016

Columbia SRP scientists and their government partners in New Jersey and Maine published three articles in the August 15, 2016 issue of Science of the Total Environment, which have been...

June 2016

On June 22, 2016, the journal Environmental Science & Technology published a paper by Columbia SRP scientists Brian Mailloux, Alexander van Geen, Benjamin Bostick and colleagues...

March 2016

Contributing to the development of solutions to the difficult problem of remediating aquifers with elevated dissolved arsenic concentrations, Columbia SRP postdoctoral researcher Jing Sun in...

February 2016

Columbia SRP postdoctoral researcher Jing Sun along with Columbia SRP scientists from Projects 4 and 5 Benjamin Bostick, Brian Mailloux, Jamie Ross, and Steven Chillrud have published an article...


August 2016

Congratulations to Sara Flanagan on winning a 2016 K.C. Donnelly Externship Award! Flanagan is a doctoral student at the City University of New York and a research associate of the Columbia...

January 2016

After more than 35 years working in the field of environmental health, Meredith Golden, senior research associate at CIESIN, has retired.

December 2015

December 11, 2015 marks the 35th anniversary of the enactment of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund).

November 2015

Northeastern University’s Puerto Rico Testsite for Exploring Contamination Threats (PROTECT) Superfund Research program will be hosting  the 2015 Annual Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico from...


NPL Superfund Footprint Mapper

This interactive mapping tool created by the CU SRP Research Translation Core permits users to visualize critical data about inhabitants and areas near Superfund sites. The Mapper is unique compared to other environmental mapping services.

U.S. Population within Four-Mile Buffers of Superfund Sites

This map displays the 2000 US Census Grid Population data for residents within 4-mile buffers of NPL sites based on locations provided by EPA and ATSDR.

NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP) Centers

Map with locations of the NIEHS SRP Headquarters and the SRP University Centers; each point can be clicked for information about the research programs and direct links to their web sites.url

Spatial variability of Arsenic concentrations in 6000 tube wells in Araihazar, Bangladesh

Data collected and mapped by Columbia SRP scientists, led by Dr. Alexander van Geen.


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