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90th Annual Meeting

“Weather, Climate, and Society: New Demands on Science and Services”
Atlanta, GA
17–21 January 2010


The theme of the 2010 AMS Annual Meeting is “Weather, Climate, and Society: New Demands on Science and Services.” Recent international, national, and regional assessments, as well as recent observed trends, make it clear that the weather and climate of the twenty-first century is expected to be unlike the phenomena that the human and natural systems adapted to during the twentieth century. Currently, global societies lack the experience needed to mitigate projected climate change and weather extremes. Nonstationary (evolving) weather and climate present many scientific and service challenges. Increased predictive capabilities are becoming more critical for protecting life and property, promoting economic vitality, national defense, and enabling environmental stewardship. Weather and climate services, including communication with users of the data, data management, forecasts, projections, and education, are likely to play an increasingly important role in the development of socioeconomic and defense policy, industrial and military operations, and the motivation for the emergence of new economic opportunities.
The specialty conferences, symposia, and special sessions that compose the 2010 Annual Meeting present an enormous number of potential topics of interest that have bearing on the meeting’s theme. These include advances in modeling, from the regional to climate scale and from deterministic to ensemble prediction; communication to stakeholders that address issues of policy, operations, and new opportunities; data collection, interpretation, and assimilation; research of anomalous weather and climate events; mitigation and adaptation to climate change; applied meteorology and climatology; education and outreach; and the emergence of new scientific partnerships.
      For additional information on the organization of the 90th AMS Annual Meeting, please contact meeting co-chairpersons: Marshall Shepherd, University of Georgia (e-mail:; Ed Olenic, NOAA/NWS (e-mail:; or Eric Barron, NCAR (e-mail:

89th Annual Meeting



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