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Graduate Program

Graduate Program Areas

Crop, Soil and Pest Management Crop, Soil and Pest Management

The Crop, Soil and Pest Management graduate program area prepares students for careers in research, teaching, extension, production agriculture and related industries.

Entomology Entomology

A student can select training from a wide range of courses and research programs to prepare for a career in any of the many areas of professional entomology, including research, teaching, industry and extension work.

Horticulture Horticulture

The Horticulture graduate program area provides a meaningful educational opportunity for the student with career interests in any of the many fields of the diverse discipline of horticulture.

Plant Biology and Genetics Plant Biology and Genetics

Understanding the fundamental concepts of plant biology and genetics is essential to providing solutions to the wide array of problems in food, fiber and energy production that are facing the growing world population.

Plant Stress Biology Plant Stress Biology

Many of us take for granted the fact that we have a safe, abundant food supply. In many parts of the world, however, plant stresses, both biotic and abiotic, can be devastating not only to plants themselves, but to the humans who rely on them.