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NPDES Permit Fees

Who is covered?

Holders of individual and general permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), other than for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, must pay an annual fee.

What is the fee?

Fees are based on a variety of factors such as the type of operation, the nature of the discharge and flow rate of the discharge. Specific classifications and fees are detailed below .

NPDES Program Fee Schedule

  1. For NPDES permits for publicly owned treatment works, other facilities which treat and discharge primarily domestic sewage, and discharges of wastewater from the operation of public water supply treatment facilities, the fee is:
    Design Avg. Flow Rate
    <100,000 $500
    100,000 - 499,999 $2500
    500,000 - 999,999 $7,500
    1,000,000 - 4,999,999 $15,000
    5,000,000 - 9,999,999 $30,000
    10,000,000 + $50,000
  2. For NPDES permits for treatment works or sewer collection systems that include combined sewer overflow outfalls, the fee is:
    Tributary Population Fee
    0 - 10,000 $1,000
    10,001 - 25,000 $5,000
    25,001 + $20,000

    Fee amounts in this subdivision are in addition to the fees stated in item (1) when the combined sewer overflow outfall is contained within a permit subject to item (1) fees.

  3. For NPDES permits for mines producing coal, the fee is $5,000.
  4. For NPDES permits for mines other than mines producing coal, the fee is $5,000.
  5. For NPDES permits for industrial activity where toxic substances are not regulated, other than permits covered under subdivision (3) or (4), the fee is:
    Design Avg. Flow
    0 - 10,000 $1,000
    10,001 - 100,000 $2,500
    100,001 + $10,000
  6. For NPDES permits for industrial activity where toxic substances are regulated, other than permits covering mining operations, the fee is:
    Design Avg. Flow
    0 - 250,000 $15,000
    250,001 + $20,000
  7. For NPDES permits for industrial activity classified by U.S. EPA as a major discharge, other than permits issued for mining operations, the fee is:
    • $30,000 for a facility where toxic substances are not regulated, and
    • $50,000 for a facility where toxic substances are regulated.
  8. For NPDES permits for municipal separate storm sewer systems, the fee is $1,000.
  9. The annual fee for activities under a permit that authorizes applying sludge on land is $2,500 for a sludge generator permit and $5,000 for a sludge user permit.
  10. For General NPDES permits for either construction site or industrial storm water, the fee is $500.

Note: more than one of the annual fees may be applicable to a permit holder. These fees are in addition to any other fees required under this Act. Fees imposed under this section do not apply to the state or any department or agency of the state, nor to any school district.

For additional information, call the Water Pollution Control Permit Section at (217) 782-0610.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I believe the fee amount is incorrect?

Contact the Division of Water Pollution Control permit section at (217) 782-0610. The law requires the Agency to assess interest on any past due fee amounts, but interest will not be assessed on fee amounts successfully disputed. Therefore, it is important to pay, prior to the due date, the fee amount you believe to be correct. If your dispute is not successful, interest will be charged on only the amount that was not paid by the due date.

I've received an invoice for a permit I can't identify. What should I do to determine if I have properly been billed?

Each invoice includes the specific permit identification number and was mailed to the party of record who applied for and received the permit. If your records do not include the permit referenced on the invoice, you may contact the Division of Water Pollution Control permit section at (217) 782-0610.

What if I overpay or underpay my fee amount?

Overpayments cannot be refunded but may be applied to future NPDES fee amounts due the Agency. Underpayments will result in an interest penalty being assessed on past due amounts. Failure to pay the fee in full is a violation of the Environmental Protection Act and may result in additional enforcement action by the Agency.

If I owe fees for more than one permit, can I send one check covering all fee amounts due?

Yes, payment for more than one NPDES permit fee may be made with a single check. Be sure to include all of the fee notices in the return envelope to ensure that the Agency credits the proper accounts. However, payments for non-NPDES fees should be made separately.

What happens if I don't pay my fee?

Failure to pay the annual NPDES fee by the due date results in interest penalties being assessed. Failure to pay the fee in full is also a violation of the Environmental Protection Act and may result in additional enforcement action by the Agency.

What is the interest rate that will be charged on late payment amounts?

The current interest rate is 5 percent per year. It is adjusted on a semi-annual basis, on January 1 and July 1 of each year.

I only use my permit six months out of the year. Do I get charged in full?

Yes. Your permit covers the current year, whether or not your activity is continuous during that time.

What if I no longer need my permit because the activity under permit has been discontinued?

You should send the Agency a request to terminate your permit prior to the due date shown on the fee invoice. If the permit is for a Storm Water Construction Site Activity, a Notice of Termination must be sent prior to the due date. The fee is due and payable if the termination notice is not received by the due date. Also, all fees and interest amounts due from prior years are due and payable.

I need to know the Illinois EPA's federal employer identification number (FEIN) in order to process the fee payment in my company's accounting system. What is the IEPA's FEIN?

The Agency FEIN is 01-0572642.


Combined List


Non-Title V Operating
Clean Air Title V


Tire Sales
Waste Manifests
Hazardous Waste
Landfill Tipping
Potentially Infectious Medical Waste


Water Main
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Industrial Wastewater Sources
Water Quality Certification
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